Promotion of Crysis Multiplayer (discussion)

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  • Youda008

    Both aspects (1. bring new players, 2. keep the current one) have same importance. It's just pure math. You won't fill up the lake, if the incoming flow is less or equal to the outgoing flow. What happened at Event is sad and suprising. I was the one who prepared server for it, but unfortunately i wasn't able to come this time, i was simply hoping everything will be fine. Later when i learned about it, i was reading the logs to see what happened: some 2 players probably wanted to fight vs each other and they started a vote for poolday (facepalm). But for uknown reason, only 1 from the rest voted !no, others did nothing and poolday won 2:1. Then they started calling others to go to spectator mode or out of server, totaly stupid. So naturaly the rest left soon, but luckily at least they found another place to continue playing. I know, that each Event should have some supervision, but i have really fatal lack of time this period and i can't do that on my own. That tranforms the problem to How to select moderators. You can surely imagine, that if i ask on forum, who wants to be moderator at Hotspot, everybody will shout "me, me, pls me". I need to know the people first and select the reliable ones, who won't abuse features to achieve their goals, and also who will hold together and not fight between each other (moderator wars are even worse than no moderator at all). But i'm almost sure, that all of you who care enough to reply to my post, can do the job very well

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  • Greece4Ever

    Yeha you are right, there was a vote, my bad i forgot. Sadly i was the only one to vote no :p. the moderators issue is not easily solved, only time will show who is worth getting such privilegies. I just wanted to mention this incident to support what Venom Said about " acting well" in game ..

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  • Lukas

    Event server could be set up a little bit better to avoid situations like Greece mentioned and also a small improvement might not be a bad thing, e.g. don't allow vote maps which are not good for a such event (small aim maps), also set exact time or frag limit on IA maps, change maps between PS and IA, shortly do everything to make event was the most entertaining and which would fit all atleast in some aspect.

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  • Youda008

    That's what i'm doing. Events prepared by me have always both IA and PS maps with time limits on each. But many players are so stubborn in their beliefs, that they can't stand playing even 30 minutes what they don't like, and they will better leave than wait until next map.

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  • Frankie

    Thats it ? Well, I can´t record in Crysis, i leave Trailer on more practiced :p, but will be nice on newbies if so, teach them as much as i know, and can. But it depends on all. aah, this is too repeated.

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  • DSnipeFunk

    Youda You said "But many players are so stubborn in their beliefs, that they can't stand playing even 30 minutes what they don't like, and they will better leave than wait until next map." Is it 'many' players? or 'most' players?

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  • Youda008

    Uhm, idk, i don't have statistics about this, sorry

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  • Greece4Ever

    well, considering the amount of players in game after the Bug Shutdown , "Many" can mean "most" and even more, if you get what i mean :P

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