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  • SadamHusein

    After 5 min i get msg disconnected from server on servers by Freebo. Its seems it only happens to me, have any ideas?

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  • Freebo

    Hey man. I have no idea what was that. I wasn't there today. I couldn't play this evening. I've just checked the history - and I see that you came on Predator / Hunter server only once - around 18:00 (I don't know the exact time) and left it exactly at 18:29 CET. No errors, missmatches, hacks or anything like this. Just "user left the game". So I guess all was ok there for you later. I didn't see you listed on other servers today. So I really have no idea where you had this problem and what was the reason. Sometimes it can be of course just standard "connection lost" thing - can happen on both: player side (loss of connection) or server side (server down). If that disconnection at 18:29 was also not caused by you - it had to be your internet because server shows that everything was ok there. Here it looks like it was you who just left the game. Not kicked or anything. Please let me know in the future if it happens. But next time let me know the name of server and what was the time. I wouldn't have to investigate if I knew it also this time. Good luck and have fun.

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  • SadamHusein

    Oh it wasnt Predator Hunter. It was server on 1.0 Fairl play jump and fly :)

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  • Freebo

    OK. I had no idea that you're using 5767 version also now. I've checked - you were there twice yesterday around 18:00 and disconnected at 18:01 and second time disconnected at 18:06. The problem is you have modified files in .../scripts/entities/vehicles/.. I don't want to tell what file is that on public here - but you probably know anyway. Just remove your modifications and you will be able to play there. That server always kicks moded clients. < Fair Play > in the name of server is the reason. You can use custom skins of course but not moded weapons, vehicles etc. No matter what is the reason to mod those files on client side - Server won't allow it. If you have no idea what is the problem and how did you get that moded file there - I can send you original one and you will just replace it. Or maybe just reinstall whole game if you can't remove that mod - the easy way. You will be sure that you have all original files only. There are more and more players on that 4 years old server of 5767. Sometimes I saw even 7 during last weeks. I'm not talking about my 5 Crysis friends (who also play there sometimes) but some unknown guys. So you can join and have fun but after removing any kind of moded files. I will play there also - next year probably. Now I'm working for 6156 as you can see and still lot of things to do before switching back to 5767 from time to time. Good luck and have fun.

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  • SadamHusein

    Lol? I didnt modified any files in that folder neither others. I just have skins in game folder skins for vehicles,guns etc i dont remember anything i putted there or i did? Lamborghini car? Feel free to write it here I dont hide anything. :) i really dont know anything about it, why would i modifie vehicles?

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  • Freebo

    veed_defaults.xml - that's it if you really want to know. Skins of vehicles doesn't require this file for sure. So remove this file if you have skins in some extra zz... .pak file and try to connect again. Sorry man I'm not in your room and can't check your Crysis folders if I could I would know after 5 minutes and could fix it for you. But now all I can do is just say what file is different than other players have. I have my own guns, suits, cars and vtols skins for years in my game folder and never had problems with disconnections from any kind of server because of that. But this file that server shows as different than original has nothing to do with skins. It's about vehicless settings and functions. So maybe your skins package has it inside as some kind of mistake - but it's not even needed there... Remember that any change in scripts folder is treated by most of servers as potential cheat even if it's not... so check it... and of course you can always reinstall the game if you don't want to lose time and search where problem is exactly. Good luck.

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  • SadamHusein

    Lol, I dont remember file like that.. sure i will try to find it if i find it i will send it to you to check what is

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  • SadamHusein

    Oh man it seems its is some zz packs? i have many of them...

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  • SadamHusein

    So only thing that is strange for me is lamborghini xml i cant find that veed_default.. anywhere so this is inside lamorghini xml - <Vehicle name="civ_car_gallardo" actionMap="landvehicle"> - <Physics pushable="0"> <Buoyancy waterDensity="50" waterResistance="0" /> <Simulation maxTimeStep="0.02" minEnergy="0.0020000001" maxLoggedCollisions="2" /> </Physics> - <Damages submergedRatioMax="0.64999998" submergedDamageMult="1" collDamageThreshold="10" groundCollisionMinMult="1.3" groundCollisionMaxMult="1.4" groundCollisionMinSpeed="8" groundCollisionMaxSpeed="22" vehicleCollisionDestructionSpeed="18"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="0.02" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="moacbullet" multiplier="0.02" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="0.15000001" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="melee" multiplier="0.050000001" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="0.050000001" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="0.5" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="0.25" splash="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="aacannon" multiplier="0.1" splash="0" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="c4" multiplier="1" splash="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="tac" multiplier="2" splash="2" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="avmine" multiplier="2" splash="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="scout_moac" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamagesGroups> - <DamagesGroup name="Destroy" useTemplate="CarDestroy"> - <DamagesSubGroups> - <DamagesSubGroup delay="0.2" randomness="0.5"> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Impulse" damageRatioMin="1" ignoreVehicleDestruction="1"> <Impulse forceMin="4.5" forceMax="6" direction="0,1,1" momentum="2.95,-0.15000001,0" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </DamagesSubGroup> </DamagesSubGroups> </DamagesGroup> - <DamagesGroup name="IndicatorWheels"> - <DamagesSubGroups> - <DamagesSubGroup delay="0" randomness="0"> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Indicator" damageRatioMin="0.5" damageRatioMax="1"> - <Indicator> <Light material="damagelight_wheels" sound="" /> </Indicator> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </DamagesSubGroup> </DamagesSubGroups> </DamagesGroup> </DamagesGroups> </Damages> - <Components> - <Component name="Hull" damageMax="150" major="1" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1" id="idHull"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="0.34999999" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="0.69999999" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="0.25" splash="0.5" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="1"> <Group name="Destroy" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect" damageRatioMin="0.25" damageRatioMax="0.75"> <Effect effect="HullDamaged25" disableAfterExplosion="1" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect" damageRatioMin="0.75" damageRatioMax="1"> <Effect effect="HullDamaged75" disableAfterExplosion="1" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Indicator" damageRatioMin="0.60000002"> - <Indicator> <Light material="damagelight_chassis" sound="sounds/vehicles:vehicle_accessories:warning_beep_wheeled" soundRatioMin="0.75" helper="dashboardPos" /> </Indicator> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="Engine" damageMax="100" major="1" minBound="-0.69999999,1.4739,0.58399999" maxBound="0.69999999,2.75,1.5" useBoundsFromParts="0" hullAffection="0.5" id="idEngine"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="0.34999999" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="0.69999999" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="0.25" splash="0.5" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="MovementNotification" damageRatioMin="0.25"> <MovementNotification isFatal="0" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect" damageRatioMin="0.25" damageRatioMax="0.75"> <Effect effect="EngineDamaged25" disableAfterExplosion="1" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect" damageRatioMin="0.75"> <Effect effect="EngineDamaged75" disableAfterExplosion="1" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Indicator" damageRatioMin="0.75"> - <Indicator> <Light material="damagelight_engine" sound="" /> </Indicator> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="1"> <Group name="Destroy" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="wheel_1" damageMax="80" major="1" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1" hullAffection="0" isOnlyDamageableByPlayer="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="moacbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="melee" multiplier="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="2" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="1" splash="0.75" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="aacannon" multiplier="1" splash="0" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="avmine" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="scout_moac" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="BlowTire" damageRatioMin="1"> <BlowTire /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="0.5"> <Group name="IndicatorWheels" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="wheel_2" damageMax="80" major="1" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1" hullAffection="0" isOnlyDamageableByPlayer="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="moacbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="melee" multiplier="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="2" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="1" splash="0.75" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="aacannon" multiplier="1" splash="0" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="avmine" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="scout_moac" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="BlowTire" damageRatioMin="1"> <BlowTire /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="0.5"> <Group name="IndicatorWheels" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="wheel_3" damageMax="80" major="1" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1" hullAffection="0" isOnlyDamageableByPlayer="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="moacbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="melee" multiplier="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="2" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="1" splash="0.75" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="aacannon" multiplier="1" splash="0" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="avmine" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="scout_moac" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="BlowTire" damageRatioMin="1"> <BlowTire /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="0.5"> <Group name="IndicatorWheels" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="wheel_4" damageMax="80" major="1" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1" hullAffection="0" isOnlyDamageableByPlayer="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="moacbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="gaussbullet" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="melee" multiplier="0.25" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="fire" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="collision" multiplier="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="explosion" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="law_rocket" multiplier="2" splash="2" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="frag" multiplier="1" splash="0.75" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="aacannon" multiplier="1" splash="0" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="avmine" multiplier="1" splash="1" /> <DamageMultiplier damageType="scout_moac" multiplier="0.2" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="BlowTire" damageRatioMin="1"> <BlowTire /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Group" damageRatioMin="0.5"> <Group name="IndicatorWheels" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="headLightLeft" damageMax="45" major="0" minBound="-0.85000002,2.55,0.94999999" maxBound="-0.5,2.8499999,1.2" useBoundsFromParts="0" hullAffection="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect"> <Effect effect="LightShot" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="headLightRight" damageMax="45" major="0" minBound="0.5,2.55,0.94999999" maxBound="0.85000002,2.8499999,1.2" useBoundsFromParts="0" hullAffection="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect"> <Effect effect="LightShot" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="rearLightsLeft" damageMax="45" major="0" minBound="-1,-2.7,1.1" maxBound="-0.85000002,-2.45,1.5" useBoundsFromParts="0" hullAffection="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect"> <Effect effect="LightShot" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="rearLightsRight" damageMax="45" major="0" minBound="0.85000002,-2.7,1.1" maxBound="1,-2.45,1.5" useBoundsFromParts="0" hullAffection="1"> - <DamageMultipliers> <DamageMultiplier damageType="bullet" multiplier="1" /> </DamageMultipliers> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect"> <Effect effect="LightShot" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> - <Component name="FlippedOver" damageMax="1" major="0" minBound="0,0,0" maxBound="0,0,0" useBoundsFromParts="1"> - <DamageBehaviors> - <DamageBehavior class="Effect" damageRatioMin="1"> <Effect effect="VehicleFlipped" disableAfterExplosion="1" /> </DamageBehavior> - <DamageBehavior class="Burn"> <Burn helper="" damage="0" selfDamage="20" radius="5" interval="1" /> </DamageBehavior> </DamageBehaviors> </Component> </Components> - <Parts> - <Part name="body" class="Animated" component="Hull" mass="0" disablePhysics="0" isHidden="0"> - <Parts> - <Part name="door01" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="50"> <AnimatedJoint detachBaseForce="-1,0,0" /> </Part> - <Part name="door02" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="50"> <AnimatedJoint detachBaseForce="1,0,0" /> </Part> - <Part name="back_door" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="50"> <AnimatedJoint detachBaseForce="0,-1,0" /> </Part> - <Part name="hood" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="50"> <AnimatedJoint detachBaseForce="0,1,1" /> </Part> <Part name="steeringWheel" class="AnimatedJoint" mass="0" /> - <Part name="dials_speedometer" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="0"> - <AnimatedJoint> <Dials rotationMax="130" /> </AnimatedJoint> </Part> - <Part name="dials_revometer" class="AnimatedJoint" component="Hull" mass="0"> - <AnimatedJoint> <Dials rotationMax="270" /> </AnimatedJoint> </Part> - <Part name="wheel1" class="SubPartWheel" component="wheel1" mass="80"> <SubPartWheel axle="0" density="0" damping="0" driving="1" lenMax="0.40000001" maxFriction="1.7" minFriction="1.7" slipFrictionMod="0.40000001" stiffness="0" suspLength="0.30000001" rimRadius="0.25" torqueScale="1" /> </Part> - <Part name="wheel2" class="SubPartWheel" component="wheel2" mass="80"> <SubPartWheel axle="1" density="0" damping="0" driving="1" lenMax="0.40000001" maxFriction="1.7" minFriction="1.7" slipFrictionMod="0.40000001" stiffness="0" suspLength="0.30000001" rimRadius="0.25" torqueScale="1" /> </Part> - <Part name="wheel3" class="SubPartWheel" component="wheel3" mass="80"> <SubPartWheel axle="0" density="0" damping="0" driving="1" lenMax="0.40000001" maxFriction="1.7" minFriction="1.7" slipFrictionMod="0.40000001" stiffness="0" suspLength="0.30000001" rimRadius="0.25" torqueScale="1" /> </Part> - <Part name="wheel4" class="SubPartWheel" component="wheel4" mass="80"> <SubPartWheel axle="1" density="0" damping="0" driving="1" lenMax="0.40000001" maxFriction="1.7" minFriction="1.7" slipFrictionMod="0.40000001" stiffness="0" suspLength="0.30000001" rimRadius="0.25" torqueScale="1" /> </Part> </Parts> - <Helpers> <Helper name="exhaust_pos" position="0.56879997,-2.0845001,0.35429999" direction="0,-1,0" /> <Helper name="engineSmokeOut" position="0.0339,1.6112,0.7529" direction="0,1,0" /> <Helper name="exhaust_posL" position="-0.56840003,-2.1055,0.35429999" direction="0,-1,0" /> <Helper name="headLightLeft" position="-0.75660002,1.7046,0.59320003" direction="0,0.99479997,-0.1021" /> <Helper name="headLightRight" position="0.70389998,1.7131,0.59009999" direction="0,0.99479997,-0.1021" /> <Helper name="headLightCenter" position="-0.0031999999,1.874,0.6038" direction="0,0.99479997,-0.1021" /> <Helper name="rearLightLeft" position="-0.63380003,-2.1119001,0.80150002" direction="0,-1,0" /> <Helper name="rearLightRight" position="0.61000001,-2.118,0.78549999" direction="0,-1,0" /> <Helper name="burningPos" position="0,0,0.89160001" direction="0,1,0" /> <Helper name="driverEyePos" position="-0.368,1.5021,0.90899998" direction="0,1,0" /> <Helper name="first_passenger" position="0.37560001,1.4139,0.87339997" direction="0,1,0" /> </Helpers> <Animated filename="objects/vehicles/gallardo/gallardo.cga" filenameDestroyed="Objects/Vehicles/Civ_car1/Civ_car_damaged.cga" /> </Part> - <Part name="massBox" class="MassBox" mass="1470" position="-0.001,0.0017,0.68019998" disablePhysics="0" disableCollision="0" isHidden="0"> <Helpers /> <MassBox size="0.94999999,1.4643,0.4752" drivingOffset="-0.80000001" /> </Part> - <Part name="headLightCenter" class="Light" component="" helper="headLightCenter"> - <Components> <Component value="headLightLeft" /> <Component value="headLightRight" /> </Components> <Light type="HeadLightDynamic" /> </Part> - <Part name="headLightLeft" class="Light" component="headLightLeft" helper="headLightLeft"> <Light type="HeadLightBeam" /> </Part> - <Part name="headLightLeftFlare" class="Light" component="headLightLeft" helper="headLightLeft"> <Light type="HeadLightFlare" /> </Part> - <Part name="headLightRight" class="Light" component="headLightRight" helper="headLightRight"> <Light type="HeadLightBeam" /> </Part> - <Part name="headLightRightFlare" class="Light" component="headLightRight" helper="headLightRight"> <Light type="HeadLightFlare" /> </Part> - <Part name="rearLightLeft" class="Light" component="rearLightsLeft" helper="rearLightLeft"> <Light type="Rear" /> </Part> - <Part name="rearLightRight" class="Light" component="rearLightsRight" helper="rearLightRight"> <Light type="Rear" /> </Part> - <Part name="brakeLightLeft" class="Light" component="rearLightsLeft" helper="rearLightLeft"> <Light type="Brake" /> </Part> - <Part name="brakeLightRight" class="Light" component="rearLightsRight" helper="rearLightRight"> <Light type="Brake" /> </Part> </Parts> - <Actions> - <Action class="Enter"> - <Activations> <Activation type="OnUsed" param1="part" param2="door01" /> </Activations> - <Enter> - <Seats> <Seat value="driver" /> </Seats> </Enter> </Action> - <Action class="Enter"> - <Activations> <Activation type="OnUsed" param1="part" param2="door02" /> </Activations> - <Enter> - <Seats> <Seat value="passenger" /> </Seats> </Enter> </Action> </Actions> - <Seats> - <Seat name="driver" part="" enterHelper="passenger01_enter_pos" sitHelper="passenger01_seat_pos" isDriver="1" isPassengerHidden="1" AimPart="" seatGroupIndex="1" agVehicleName="US_ltv" agSeatNumber="1"> - <Views> - <View class="FirstPerson" canRotate="1" rotationMin="-20,0,-100" rotationMax="5,0,150"> <FirstPerson offset="0,0.050000001,0.050000001" relativeToHorizon="0.5" /> </View> - <View class="ActionThirdPerson" canRotate="1" rotationMax="0,0,100"> <ActionThirdPerson cameraPosOffset="0,-1.25,0" cameraAimOffset="0,0,0.5" lagSpeed="3" velocityMult="-2,0.029999999,2" /> </View> </Views> - <SeatActions> - <SeatAction class="SteeringWheel"> - <SteeringWheel vehicleAnimation="steeringWheel"> <Car wheelRotationMax="0.050000001" /> </SteeringWheel> </SeatAction> - <SeatAction class="Sound"> <Sound sound="sounds/vehicles:civ_car1:horn" helper="engineSmokeOut" id="idHorn" /> </SeatAction> - <SeatAction class="Lights"> - <Lights activation="toggle"> - <LightParts> <LightPart value="headLightLeft" /> <LightPart value="headLightRight" /> <LightPart value="headLightLeftFlare" /> <LightPart value="headLightRightFlare" /> <LightPart value="headLightCenter" /> <LightPart value="rearLightLeft" /> <LightPart value="rearLightRight" /> </LightParts> </Lights> </SeatAction> - <SeatAction class="Lights"> - <Lights activation="brake"> - <LightParts> <LightPart value="brakeLightLeft" /> <LightPart value="brakeLightRight" /> </LightParts> </Lights> </SeatAction> </SeatActions> <Sounds inout="0" mood="0.5" /> </Seat> - <Seat name="passenger" part="" enterHelper="passenger02_enter_pos" sitHelper="passenger02_seat_pos" isDriver="0" isPassengerHidden="1" AimPart="" seatGroupIndex="2" agVehicleName="US_ltv" agSeatNumber="3"> - <Views> - <View class="FirstPerson" canRotate="1" rotationMin="-12,0,-110" rotationMax="5,0,110"> <FirstPerson offset="0,0,0.1" relativeToHorizon="0.5" /> </View> - <View class="ActionThirdPerson" canRotate="0"> <ActionThirdPerson cameraPosOffset="0,-1.25,0" cameraAimOffset="0,0,0.5" lagSpeed="3" velocityMult="-2,0.029999999,2" /> </View> </Views> <SeatActions /> <Sounds inout="0" mood="0.5" /> </Seat> </Seats> - <SeatGroups> - <SeatGroup name="Cabin"> - <Seats> <Seat value="driver" /> <Seat value="passenger" /> </Seats> </SeatGroup> </SeatGroups> - <MovementParams> - <StdWheeled vMaxSteerMax="20" steerSpeed="40" steerSpeedMin="100" steerSpeedScale="1" steerSpeedScaleMin="1" v0SteerMax="26" kvSteerMax="4" steerRelaxation="500" pedalLimitMax="0.5" rpmInterpSpeed="4" rpmRelaxSpeed="2" rpmGearShiftSpeed="3"> - <Wheeled axleFriction="300" axleFrictionMax="800" brakeTorque="4000" brakeImpulse="0.5" clutchSpeed="2.3" damping="0.02" engineIdleRPM="500" engineMaxRPM="3800" engineMinRPM="100" enginePower="368" engineShiftDownRPM="1300" engineShiftUpRPM="2000" engineStartRPM="500" stabilizer="0.2" maxBrakingFriction="0.60000002" rearWheelBrakingFrictionMult="0.89999998" maxSteer="0.44999999" maxSpeed="23" maxTimeStep="0.02" minEnergy="0.012" slipThreshold="0.02" suspDampingMin="-0.18000001" suspDampingMax="-0.5" suspDampingMaxSpeed="13" gearDirSwitchRPM="1000" dynFriction="1.5599999"> - <gearRatios> <gearRatio value="-20" /> <gearRatio value="0" /> <gearRatio value="2.563" /> <gearRatio value="1.85" /> <gearRatio value="1.423" /> <gearRatio value="1.138" /> <gearRatio value="0.93900001" /> </gearRatios> </Wheeled> <SoundParams engineSoundPosition="engineSmokeOut" runSoundDelay="1" roadBumpMinSusp="10" roadBumpMinSpeed="6" roadBumpIntensity="0.30000001" maxSlipSpeed="11" /> - <TweakGroups> - <TweakGroup name="ai"> - <Tweaks> <Tweak name="enginePower" value="1" op="1" /> <Tweak name="engineMaxRPM" value="1" op="1" /> <Tweak name="maxSpeed" value="1" op="1" /> </Tweaks> </TweakGroup> - <TweakGroup name="player_boost"> - <Tweaks> <Tweak name="enginePower" value="1.4" op="1" /> <Tweak name="engineMaxRPM" value="1.25" op="1" /> <Tweak name="axleFriction" value="0.75" op="1" /> </Tweaks> </TweakGroup> </TweakGroups> <AirDamp dampAngle="1.2,0.75,0" dampAngVel="1.5,0.80000001,0.80000001" /> </StdWheeled> </MovementParams> - <Particles> - <Exhaust insideWater="0" outsideWater="1"> - <Helpers> <Helper value="exhaust_pos" /> <Helper value="exhaust_posL" /> </Helpers> <EngineStart effect="vehicle_fx.vehicle_exhaust.CIV_Start" /> <EngineStop effect="vehicle_fx.vehicle_exhaust.CIV_Start" /> <EngineRunning effect="vehicle_fx.vehicle_exhaust.smoke_white" boostEffect="vehicle_fx.vehicle_exhaust.boost" baseSizeScale="1" minSpeed="0" minSpeedSizeScale="1" minSpeedCountScale="1" minSpeedSpeedScale="1" maxSpeed="15" maxSpeedSizeScale="1" maxSpeedCountScale="1" maxSpeedSpeedScale="1" minPower="0" minPowerSizeScale="0.5" minPowerCountScale="1" minPowerSpeedScale="1" maxPower="1" maxPowerSizeScale="1.5" maxPowerCountScale="1.5" maxPowerSpeedScale="1" /> </Exhaust> <ShatterEffect effect="vehicle_fx.frozen_shatter.small" /> - <DamageEffects> <DamageEffect name="HullDamaged25" helper="burningPos" effect="vehicle_fx.Damages_Land.CivCar_hull_smoke_a" /> <DamageEffect name="HullDamaged75" helper="burningPos" effect="vehicle_fx.Damages_Land.CivCar_hull_smoke_b" /> <DamageEffect name="VehicleDestroyed" helper="burningPos" effect="explosions.CIV_explosion.a" scaleMax="0.30000001" gravityDirection="0,0,1" /> <DamageEffect name="VehicleFlipped" helper="burningPos" effect="smoke_and_fire.Jeep.flipped_jeep" /> <DamageEffect name="EngineDamaged25" helper="engineSmokeOut" effect="vehicle_fx.Damages_Land.CivCar_engine_smoke_a" scaleMax="1" gravityDirection="0,0,1" pulsePeriod="0" /> <DamageEffect name="EngineDamaged75" helper="engineSmokeOut" effect="vehicle_fx.Damages_Land.CivCar_engine_smoke_b" scaleMax="1" gravityDirection="0,0,1" pulsePeriod="0" /> </DamageEffects> - <EnvironmentLayers> - <EnvironmentLayer minSpeed="0.5" minSpeedSizeScale="1" minSpeedCountScale="1" minSpeedSpeedScale="1" maxSpeed="25" maxSpeedSizeScale="1" maxSpeedCountScale="1" maxSpeedSpeedScale="1"> <Alignment alignGroundHeight="0" maxHeightSizeScale="1" maxHeightCountScale="1" alignToWater="0" /> <Emitters /> - <Wheels> - <WheelGroups> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="2" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="4" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> </WheelGroups> </Wheels> </EnvironmentLayer> - <EnvironmentLayer name="slip" minSpeed="1" minSpeedSizeScale="0.80000001" minSpeedCountScale="0.5" maxSpeed="7" maxSpeedSizeScale="1" maxSpeedCountScale="1"> <Alignment alignGroundHeight="0" maxHeightSizeScale="1" maxHeightCountScale="1" alignToWater="0" /> <Emitters /> - <Wheels> - <WheelGroups> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="1" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="2" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="3" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> - <WheelGroup> - <Wheels> <Wheel value="4" /> </Wheels> </WheelGroup> </WheelGroups> </Wheels> </EnvironmentLayer> - <EnvironmentLayer name="rims" minSpeed="0.30000001" minSpeedSizeScale="0.25" minSpeedCountScale="1" maxSpeed="10" maxSpeedSizeScale="1" maxSpeedCountScale="1"> <Alignment alignGroundHeight="0" maxHeightSizeScale="1" maxHeightCountScale="1" alignToWater="0" /> <Emitters /> <Wheels all="1" allActive="0" /> </EnvironmentLayer> </EnvironmentLayers> </Particles> - <Animations> - <Animation name="steeringWheel" part="body"> - <States> <State name="" animation="car_steeringWheel" isLooped="1" speedDefault="1" speedMin="1" speedMax="1" /> </States> </Animation> </Animations> - <Paints> <Paint name="black" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_black.mtl" /> <Paint name="blue" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_blue.mtl" /> <Paint name="green" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_green.mtl" /> <Paint name="police" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_police.mtl" /> <Paint name="red" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_red.mtl" /> <Paint name="silver" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_silver.mtl" /> <Paint name="utility" material="objects/vehicles/civ_car1/civ_car_color_variations_utility.mtl" /> </Paints> - <WheelMaster> <SubPartWheel axle="0" density="5000" damping="-0.69999999" driving="1" lenMax="0.40000001" maxFriction="1" minFriction="1" stiffness="0" suspLength="0.25" /> </WheelMaster> - <Modifications> - <Modification name="MP"> <Elems /> </Modification> - <Modification name="PoliceCar" parent="MP"> - <Elems> <Elem idRef="idHorn" name="sound" value="sounds/vehicles:civ_car1:police_horn" /> </Elems> </Modification> </Modifications> </Vehicle>

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  • Freebo

    Why are you doing this man ? It's always the same when I try to help. I check times of connection, errors on all servers, all players, explain which file is causin the problem. All is solved in first posts but then I keep getting few another ones. Let me tell you horror story. 2 weeks ago one guy was asking me for 10!! days about problems with connection to Crysis MP. I've answered him first day with FULL instructions. I even prepared special Zip with files to help him use different way because he couldn't get client installed. I made it easy for him. He kept asking and asking anyway. I was answering always after 2-3 hours. And he asked again after 4 next days (didn't even bother for 4 days to read what I've sended). I remember it took me over 1 hour that whole conversation and preparing files - just to help and type instructions for his special case - you know what ? In finall post he still was asking same questions. Tell me now what is wrong with people ? I mean what is going on ? Why whould someone help if people are not listening. Think about it. Same thing with you here :) I thought you had it all first time. The answer was "veed_defaults.xml". Only this file (GameData.pak - contains scripts floder in case you didn't know). Basic file that is in scripts folder in Crysis/game/ folder (unless you have the same in extra folders or files that you have added). If you have no veed_defaults.xml in other folder (added ones). So all you need to do is REMOVE ALL !!! added files and check. Leave only basic Crysis - I hope you have done it already because I saw you on server testing connections... You were disconnected again today at 15:48 from <Fair Play> Jump and Fly school - the same reason game/scripts/entities/vehicles/veed_defaults.xml - mismatch. So simple if you removed all trash files and you still have this problem it's has to be there in game's folder not in your "new" folders or files. It would take you 1 minute to check it. Or remove all mods, reinstall the game. Try again. Good luck. BTW please do something with this shoes photo I told you I liked it but not 5 times a day. This technical discussion doesn't make sense even more when this 700/500 pixels pic apears here every time. Have mercy man. Before it's not 2 late. ... and who's massacre is taking place here now ? You asked me to stay. I'm answering only your posts now and this is what I get :) just read whole thread and you will see. Whole thing looks like comic sadomasoporn forum. I'm out of here before it get worse. Who cares anyway. Any questions - contact me on my portal like I told you before. Thanks... and reinstall your game or stay with 6156.

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