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  • SadamHusein

    Well I just asked bro.. because I could not find that fucking file. I never worked with files so I dont know like you do. I will try to find it again. I won't stick to 1.2.1 because there is more serves on 1.0. I searched evrything, explored evry pak with WinRar I didnt find it. I really dont care anymore. Massacre ? Joke? huh? I just asked it's on you to help or not. I asked once again because I am not going to reinstall game evry time when something is fucked up. This is what you get? I disrespected you? Fuck it I won't listen bullshits anymore, fuck Crysis fuck evrything this game will never be like it was. Better to remove not to reinstall. If I can't enjoy in game and have fun with players I won't even play it. PS: You don't need to reply because this conversation is over. PS 2: I will remove pictures, like anyone give a fuck about them....

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  • Zi;


    Can't we really have one peaceful thread on this forum? Because as I see, several threads here became "war" threads here only because of nonsense.

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  • Freebo

    No wars at all. Just no dignity probs - that's all :) SadamHusain. Wow... Nice words you are using here. I think you are the first one on this forum. Congratulations ! You won the first place in the glory. This is all what you can say after having problems ? Only if one little thing goes wrong you just retire :) ? I wish you luck in adult life soon. Won't be that easy as you think. I see you give up after one small problem. Sure don't play the game it will never be as it was before. It will be worse for many players and 10x better for others. I don't know which group you are in. It's your choice. But this giving up of yours. It's just scary for the future. I wish you luck but I hope you will think it over during next years. "Fuck Crysis" because it's not the way you want it - that's what yo're saying. Belive me or not I use PCs and Soft since early 90's and I had at least 500 problems with drivers, connections, software, HDDs errors, Data loses, Windows installation 40x at least, Crysis reinstalation 20x at least. If I had those problems and were like you - the guy who loves EASY way - I wouldn't work 15 hours a day with my PC for years - it's not my thing but I try hard to put things together. I admire that you are using any software if you "fuck it" every time when some little file problem comes out. Really respect for your patience. I thought I had problems with soft. At least I know I can handle it. Sometimes it takes 10 hours to fix and I lose whole day - but at least I try and manage. Just for the record. Don't lose your time for reading - not worth to care abut. But we can put it into X-files archive if you wish ;). Of course conversation is over as you have said. You asked I answered. I told you what file what folder. I know you are not an expert. This is why I was trying to help. I told you that I will send you the file. You didn't want it. I told you to reinstall the game if you are not sure where are files and how to fix it. You didn't want to do it. I gave you over 1 hour of help only because you have "not-original" kind of files installed in your game (not me but you - but still I tried to help you to fix that). And you didn't try to listen to suggestions :) C'mon man. What is that ? How can people treat others seriously. Is ignorance always the best way to go ? Wake up. Someone asks for help. Nobody cares and if one tries to answer you don't listen but try to use EASY way. There are no easy ways to get things done! You will find out in few next years after you finish the school. Sorry man to tell you that. I'm sorry that all that time I have put to help here - are nothing for you right now. Plus are turned against me :) As always when people ignore and don't listen :p Yes - I'm out of here as I told you before. I answered your thread SadamHusain because you wanted me to stay here, few days later you asked for HELP (here again instead of Crysis1.com) and it was about my servers (you should ask there - it was crysis1.com servers problem - and as you remember I told you before to send messages and problems there on private messages) - but you didn't "want to" because it would "take 2 much time" or something) and NOBODY was answering it here and nobody would. Now what ? I'm the bad one haha :) This is how it works nowadays guys. Don't do anything just have fun - you will be respected and "prominent". Try to do something, give your time, suggestions, write instructions - and you will be nothing but critisize :) Sometimes to lie or say nothing just showoff is better today - than tell the truth - because some can feel offended or something. What is going on with guys today? Can anyone have any kind of dignity. I guess not :( I really have nothing against you SadamHusain. This is why I was answering you btw. Belive me or not I like you (at least I thought so before). But... why can't you just learn to read or listen to suggestions instead of looking for easy way. Sorry but I had 8 people asking me about the game connecting problems during last 3 weeks. (not my servers but whole client solution) I have helped 5 of them - they understood - all started to work after one single e-mail (max 2) with instructions that I've prepared. But than again Other 3 - it took me few days and many e-mails to each of them - to explain basic things - not because they were beginners and not experts - but exact info was in first e-mail they just are not focused enough - they are not able to read with understanding. It's not the language problem. It's the problem of multitask brain damage or something. So this is why your case was just the cherry on the top of it :) You have to understand. Nothing personal like you may think. Just try to listen to suggestions when somebody is trying to help. It's so easy. Really. Yes I know you have no time . I know you are probably working hard for a living at each evening after school, sleeping 4 hours a day and every 30 minutes of Crysis instalation is just taking your precious time - but sometimes it just has to be this way. My answers here took 4x longer than installation of Crysis would take. I would really fix that Crysis on your PC few days ago for you. I would do that for you. But I couldn't be at your room as I've said before. I did what I could. Nobody would bother to help you with it. I'm sure 100% here. But now what ? Few words of truth and.. again :) kind of offended ? (just wait till some discussion expert come and comments it) ;p. They are just waiting like those vultures for fresh, dead meat. I know their style :) Quet... till somebody shows some truth :P BTW Of course you are right. Nobody cares about 700/500 px off-topic photos after each message. Does anybody care about anything today ? I know what you mean. But you've got the point bro... That's exactly it! Mess, mess, disrespect, ignorance, all for free, cracking, hacking, insulting, fun, fun, fun, mess, mess.. who would care anyway right ? :) Those are the values of internet (I'm afraid expanding also outside lately). Are you aware of that fact ? - when Internet was invented it was designed for HIGH CULTURE - Art, Science... ? Check forums, blogs and youtube right now - and what you see? 15% of sense and 85% of mess. And when somebody tries to fix few little things, give some gentle suggestions, put things in some kind of order, or at least very basic aesthetic - Haters start to hate him :) what a sad "social network" came from Facebook generation. It's very sad really. The worst thing is - We can not fix it anymore. We Can Not. As you see on this example. Mess is ok. Nobody cares anyway. Now even you put messed up words in this thread. Like angry little kid who just hates things he needs to work on. This is what internet became. Zi you are right. But I don't see any war here ;) Nobody answers posts = IGNORANCE. Try to answer any and there hate will come out :) I remember times when you were answering here almost everyday with more power and sarcasm than me but it was in 1-2 sentences :) Nobody has hated that. Funny socjological thing. Why? but maybe this is the way it works. Short - nobody cares. Long - nobody cares because can't read long texts - BUT if someone finally is able to read it (of course not all because they have no time because of 10 hours of gaming) - He HATES it. hates because it's 2 LONG and it's 2 RIGHT :) Anyway Zi - Now you don't answer so often. So I tried to do my best with suggestions - but as you see it's not worth 10 seconds and I use hours for this :) How stupid of me. I know. I will stop right here. I'm trying 2 hard I guess. I should not give a damn like others. Who cares anyway about anything. Right ? I forgot Facebook trash style is popular nowadays. I wanted to save some little part of internet from it. Now I know it's "mission impossible" on "public" websites. This is why I'm out of this forum exactly as I've said before. For good now. I will only post on threads that I've created and won't bother anybody even if he needs HELP and nobody is answering. I will just not read anything besides answers to my threads (and those will be only about maps and mods announced for players to test) Or maybe I won't even create threads anymore. It depends on the power of hate and love ;) Zi - please try to check forum from time to time and answer at least once a week if others don't. Problem is that some people don't understand how to use it without making a mess. Anarchy ? Ok. From now - not a problem if it's ok for others :) I wan't watch it. No sense for me to care - it's not my network. But please check it from time to time. For those who love uncontrolled anarchy on forums - We as admins are responsible for messages on forum not the users of forum. You should know that - it's not the kiddie fun it's the law thing. Serious stuff - check info about it. It's not my idea or anything. It's like printing a newspaper - owner is responsible for the content no matter who writes the articles and what photos he puts in it. Normal users respect it. But some are just from other world and have social problems. You have to know that admins are here to give freedom of speach but not anarchy. Tradition here was always that we don't remove any threads or posts. I always thought it was GREAT IDEA. I thought also that people will respect this and try to keep some order here. I'm afraid that soon were going to find out I was very wrong. So - I surrender finally. I won't try anymore. Sorry that I've even tried. Zi please take it over if it's the only way. Good luck I belive in your powers and goodwill right till the end :) Peace for haters. Have fun here. I consider this thread closed. Unfortunatelly it's not possible even technically here. So It's just a wish. Any message for me - please, pleas, please use private messages. I always answer there and always help till I have no more power or see some nice words like SH. Seems like real SH for me now ;p

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  • Zi;

    Great, so we got to the point, when lazyness causes all the troubles, how great and how usual in this world, where people are lazy as hell even to calculate a simple math equation, there is app for that instead. Human lazyness and stupidity doesn't know limits probably, more limitless than universe itself. http://factoryjoe.s3.amazonaws.com/emoticons/emoticon-0138-thinking.gif[/img] And even if I was lazy and had same trouble, would it be so problem to use Google and search for that Lambo mod for Crysis 1 again, download and see which .pak it is? I guess no, but, it's probably useless to explain here how easy that thing is, because you will always rage about it and suddenly quit. Congratulations, that's called rage-quit and that is what only noobs do. [img]http://factoryjoe.s3.amazonaws.com/emoticons/emoticon-0137-clapping.gif" target="_blank">http://factoryjoe.s3.amazonaws.com/emoticons/emoticon-0138-thinking.gif[/img] And even if I was lazy and had same trouble, would it be so problem to use Google and search for that Lambo mod for Crysis 1 again, download and see which .pak it is? I guess no, but, it's probably useless to explain here how easy that thing is, because you will always rage about it and suddenly quit. Congratulations, that's called rage-quit and that is what only noobs do. [img]http://factoryjoe.s3.amazonaws.com/emoticons/emoticon-0137-clapping.gif" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">

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  • SadamHusein

    I would argue... but I don't see point, It's like talking to wall. I already said I serched evrything, but it's too hard to read, isnt Zi? I am not an RQ.. I didn't quit because I am lazy or cuz of rage... think about it... why I don't bother with fixing. For smart it's enough. See I don't care a lot about Crysis it's just a game, I miss old community that's it. Oh "seems like real SH to me" yeah I swear a lot evrybody knows. Zi you don't need to involve in this. Well my time is precious, I need to go to school, play football(train), study, do homeworks, practice, go outside you know it's hard to fit that in couple free hours that I have. You don't need to like me, neither anybody else, many players don't. Sorry of using bad word now. But just answer me. Does I look to you like person who give a fu#k about that? ABOUT LIFE: There is easy way in life! You need to find it. ALSO in life you have things thar are worth fighting for(family,money,your ideals) and things that are NOT worth fighting for like Crysis. But this is not place to talk about LIFE, myb I know better than you think ;) I first look and think is this important to fight, then I realised it's not so I don't bother. Life is easy if you have plan.

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  • SadamHusein

    Life is hustle, atleast here, we find easy way, we aint got time for hard ways. Time s money :) check Jala Lice Ulice :) it's song, try to translate it(lyrics can be found by writing jala lice ulice tekst) it will describe life in my city :) we can't have same opinions by life. I livr in Bosnia.... You live in good coutry I think.

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  • Freebo

    Very nice song Sadam. Like it. But you know Hip Hop guys most of the time are Crying about things (belive me it's in most of european countries). Because if you make Crying song people treat it seriously. Works the same way in movie business. Have ever heard about Oscar for comedy ? Some comedies are deeper than many "sad" movies but brain dead jury will never change the way of thinking :) Simple minds you know. About easy and hard way. The thing is you are wrong about it. It's the opposite. Because if you live in savage, unfriendly environment you have to learn to survive developing skills, original ways of thinking, inventions etc. And you are using easy ways because you have no time in hard country for hard ways ? I don't think you know what your'e talking about. Sorry. Nothing personal. I just try to show you that problem is in thinking. I'm not buddist (I wish I was) or anything but theese are very basic things to know. BTW why do you think I've developed my thinking? I can tell you the secret. My life is not easy enough to choose easy ways - and I have to fight for things every week (like most of us though), same was during school times. I'm sure one thing If I had easy teachers, well payed job and all given - I would never learn patience to work on things like code, editor, etc - because I'm humanist - not a programmer, and I'm really not patient guy (nature). I'd prefer to Circle or Wall Jump or shoot in Crysis all day (doesn't require thinking at all) with some music in background instead of building things for hours. But I've developed creative thinking and patience long time before - because I just had to :) Starting at school. Now I'm really thankful for little bit of hard times. I would be much more lazy and ignorant if not that. My friends - the same age - who had easier life a bit - are still not developed :). They never think harder than they want to. Just minimum usage of the brain :) But anyway - It's still hard to live and pay all basic bills but at least I've learned that I can do a lot just by working on things - and because I don't have need to make a lot of money. Belive me or not - living under the bridge for years would be good enough for me if I had to - All I would need to do is get used to situation that I can't use my PC (the hardest thing because the rest would be easy to leave). But really this kind of thinking gives the power to create things from nothing. Without money even or at least with very little of it. Who needs more money than very basic one anyway :) ? I have special name for them. If you ask me I don't need anything more now but time. And I'm working on this problem :) Think about it. And if you say you have hard life there in Bosnia - well ok it's not easy like in US, UK, Germany or France - They are really wealthy - but look at theese kinds in Uganda :) They are more happy than kids in Europe even though they don't have the newest iPhone (that's horrible I know, how can they live). The truth is they don't even have water! You really think they are using "easy" ways there or maybe they are smarter and more developed than most of spoiled, fat and lazy european or US kids who have more than they need. Each day thorowing their food into the garbage because it's not tasty enough :) I've learned to think about examples like Uganda (simple but works) - every time when I can't pay all bills even though I work every day. People really have harder life belive me. We should learn from them and develope our skills using all the power we've got. If you are healthy, not in pain all the time and your family is not seriously sick and nobody is chasing you or stalking in any possible way - you have no right at all to complain. Today even with 100$ PC you can create almost everything you want, learn everything, meet everybody. Isn't that enough ? Use all things that we can use to create new things instead of complaining and using things that are "ready to use" and should be easier. This is the thing we all need to learn and I'm still working on it belive me :) Imagine the world with all people happy because of each little thing thay can do - happy the way as theese Uganda kids are. It would be paradise. Don't you think? Peace and thanks for music video.

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  • SadamHusein

    Dude u spent most time on useless thing. What Crysis did give you in life? Tell me it aint gonna pay your bills, or you care about ignorants dont care about them... Under usless i mean not totally it gives you skills etc.but it aint gonna help you. Lets end thread, we came to lil africans, yes they starve but there is many other who suffer. And people who can help they donz.

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  • Freebo

    Dude. Is that truth that for you - working with passion on something creative that gives you fun and joy is useless ? For me working for extra money is useless and I'm done with it for sure. I've done it already before (working 15 hours a day) and this was just a loss of time. Trust me on that. Of course I need to work 8 hours to pay basic bills and buy minimum food - this is why I work instead of playing all days - but still - working for extra money, big house, expensive car and fat, plastic food that you don't need is the most stupid thing to do for anyone. Instead of making some of their old dreams come true most of people are seeing things like you do in this post :) They say: "Why should I bother to work on things, nobody's watching my movies, nobody listens to my music, nobody pays me for my paintings, I'm not even famous even though I work so hard" :) This is what crazy people think really. If only fame or money was the payment for all creative activities of people we would have very sad and stupid civilization. I this is the way it right now most of the time. But believe me there are few people who are not that dumb to collect money and build big houses for themselves :) What did this game gave me ? Dude. You have no idea how much Crysis gave me so far and will give me during next years. I was interested in fist perspective virtual reality and things like that since early 90's so I can write a book about it all - but I won't because nobody would read books nowadays anyway :) But still - now I'm working on more multimedia form about these issues that you were asking about. So maybe you will get this answer soon. Maybe you will watch something this year. One thing you can be sure here - I don't feel that it was loss of time at all. I felt that a bit in March 2014 - almost a year ago. That time I thought all plans that I had for the future of Crysis and all those things that I haven't finished that time won't make much sense sense - if I won't be able to make multiplayer which can work after summer's disconnection of GameSpy (which was coming). That time I felt like I've lost some time in 2013 and early 2014. But now all that doesn't look like loss for me. Not at all. Finally it makes sense now. Also those works I've made in 2010, 2011 and 2012 :) About amount of players ? Well you see - Most of the time 2010-2014 - I was playing Crysis MP with 3-5 friends only. Those only who had custom maps and mods installed or wanted to learn flying on my flying school server (Steel Mill / Quarry). So only 30% of my Crysis playing time was in IA fights. And even there it was never more than 10 players. I wasn't even fighting on PS Maps before 2014 - because it required lot of time on basic PS maps - which I never had to lose. So belive me or not I never needed more than 10 players max to have amazing Multiplayer Figts in Crysis :) As I've said before most of the time it was 3-5 people only. So if you think it's a problem for me that not many people are playing right now - you are very wrong. 3 people are enough for me. But even playing it alone with full freedom of movements let me relax after day of hard works. Belive me or not but finally it's perfect Crysis MP for me. But still it's very sad that so amazing game is not appreciated by many players. This is why I'd love to see more people knowing about it and having fun here. I will work in 2015 to make it happen. But really It has nothing to do with me I'm happy already with all we have here. These things are and will be used by me and friends for many years in the future. I'm not doing this for money, fame or any other material crap like that. It's for health of mind that me and many others who I know get while playing from time to time. I have heard this from at least 10 people that just simple WJ or CJ in Crysis, even when they are alone helps them to relax after work or school unlike any other mp or sp game. It looks like you don't see Crysis MP the way we see it. This is why you treat amount of players as the problem. Only problem I see is that so amazing game is not popular yet. But it has nothing to do with my fun and joy here. Anyway It will be on-line for years even with empty servers. At least me or few others will be able to join for 15 minutes a day. Sometimes it's really enough. You probably play many games every week. So it's different perspective for you. I play max 2-3 multiplayers a year. I can see Crysis in more clear way and can enjoy it even on empty server waiting for some surprise. Maybe some friend or unknown player will join there. If not - it will be still fun to parkour there :) As the matter of fact this was the idea of Maps Explorer project in 2011. Virtual places which are "there" every day no matter if someone enters them or not. Just ready to enter, explore and parkour :) This project is the one that I will continue for sure during next few years - because it doesn't require many players. But with this amazing MP network and autodownloader for maps that we have now - unlike before - it's open for people all over the world. Try to see this amazing improvement dude. Years before "Maps Explorer" project was just an idea - tested by few of us - because people had to find the map, download it, install it, enter the server. Sometimes I had Steel Mill Open or Steel Mill Frost map running on one of my 3 old servers in 2012 or 2013 - for 3 whole months (without restart) - with the name of website where you could get maps to play it - and nobody, really nobody even entered it during that time :) And you have to remember that it was the time when Crysis had 200 !! active players (playing at the same time) on servers list on weekends :) This is because it was hard for lazy people to get the map - and they didn't care much enough to install it even. Now when we have only 20 !! active players on weekends - thanks to autodownloader - every day at least 3!! players (also very new ones who has just installed MP client same day) enter maps of "Maps Explorer" project :) They enter even if nobody's on the map. So just compare this: 0 !! players during 3 months VS 3 !! players every day :) - and you say that I should call it loss of time ? It's better than it was before. It's just amazing right now. I was dreaming of thing like this in years 2011-2013. Anyway - no time loss so far if you ask me :) But if I'd work on basic Crysis things (I mean those things that are not very creative for me but are prepared for many classic Crysis players like "standard Mesa players") same hard as I was during last year - I would call it losing the time for sure in 2015. I will not do it anymore. Multiplayer is done and works perfectly. Now it's time for more creative works in Crysis. I still have many plans but I will be more relaxed about it this year. All new things will be connected with my other Youtube and creative virtual and not only virtual activities. Finally all things that I have done so far here will be worth more for me than they were during last years :) Dude try to be optimist. I know you are in your early years of life and you are thinking how to finish schools and make money for living. I remember that like it was 4 years ago or something. I agree that today is very hard because world is savage and people are fighting to get even stupid things like iPads or iPhones. Losers fooled by commercial corporations :) I hope you will find nice way for yourself. But don't worry about me. I have my minimum things already - and the rest of free day time after work and other things - I try to spend on creative ways of making my old dreams come true :) Things that I wanted to do when I was around 18. If I was playing games now - just instead of working on new things in Crysis for example - this would be more relaxing and fun - but at the same time this is what I would call real loss of time :) Playing 40 hours each week and killing the most precious thing we can buy in life - time. Nothing would even left after 5 years of "just playing" :) So I'm going to do my things as before but this time it will have different form and meaning. Because Crysis multiplayer is ready for playing. We don't need to do anything more but promote it by our creative future works now. It's perfect now. Really is. Have fun and live the way you want to dude. No matter what's important for you - I hope you will get it all and feel happy. Yes I think we are closing this thread finally. Unless somebody wants to add something about "loss of time" during Crysis works. Or confirm that it doesn't make sense to work on new things here - instead of simply killing the time in GTA5, FC4 or BF4. Great games but can't even compare to Crysis 1 MP + Sfw + Sandbox2 - with unlimited creativity and freedom.

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  • SadamHusein

    Agree. Well all peiple want to live like "boss" so for what they study? To work for charity? I don't think so, you enjoy in litlle things like many others. Yes I play many games about 10 mp. I just can't be alone in server, I mean I can't have fun, cuz I am "gamer" who like action, many payers etc. Evrybody has opinion and I respect it. Lifeis too shorz we should enjoy as much we can.

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