Application form


  • Zi;

    Your first name: <first name> Your in-game name: <ingame name> Your profile ID: <see !myprofile ingame> Your age: ... Your previous experience if any: ... Your motivation: < please, not only \"I only want to clean server from cheaters\", atleast 5 longer sentences > When can you be online in CET (Central European Time)? What is your average ping on server? Played time: <see !mystats> As a moderator you have to fully respect main admins (Zi;, HipHipHurrra!!!), well, mostly only I am online, HipHipHurrra!!! is on 1.2.1 Crysis (HS PS1). You need to behave nicely, play fair and DO NOT ABUSE moderator commands (like !bring,!behind,!jail), if I found out (I just check Logs for \"!bring\", your moderator account will be deactivated. You need to be online atleast 1 time a 2weeks. If you learnt programming in Lua, you would just be very nice. And one thing, please, when there is your good friend on server, and he is using cheats and you do know it, please do not make exception and ban him too. You can write the application in English or Slovak, or Czech language.

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  • Jaguar

    Are we supposed to comment the information here, or put it in a text document and somehow message it to you, or is there an actual form to fill out? Looks nifty, and I\'ve got a couple inquiries.

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  • Zi;

    Just create a new thread in this category and use following form. Fill first name, ingamename, profile ID, age, prev experience, motivation, time when you can be online, ping, played time. Thats all.

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  • Danny

    Kamo ja neviem jak ti to tu mam napisať proste maš tu toho strašne vela :D ..Ale tak v skratke Meno: Daniel nick: Danny (nie name :D ) ID: 410901758 vek: 18 Ping je okolo 30 , A moja motivacia veď ty si to robiš životopisy pomaly všetkych ludi :D Played time: about 2 years, on your server 10min. :D Takže to je asi vše dufam že budem admin! :D

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  • Zi;

    Boha, a nový riadok nevieš písať? ;( A aspon tá motivácia 5 viet mohla byť... a na to aby si bol moderátorom, aspon? 8 hodín (to nie je až tak moc - 1 hodinna denne po týžden :D) A nie, môžeš byť maximálne moderátor. Motivácia nie je životopis!!! Proste napíš prečo chceš byť moderátorom a všetka tá omáčka okolo toho, že čo by si chcel robiť ako moderátor... Ping máš rovnaký ako ja - rovnaký operátor - Orange :D Takže toto je tak stručne asi všetko :D

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  • Danny

    PreÄŤo chcem byĹĄ moderatorom? Aby som mohol moderovaĹĄ telerano :D :D NaÄŤo to tu mam pisaĹĄ? Aj tak sem nikto nechodi :D A hram viac ako hodinku denne :D

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  • Zi;

    Boha, s telerankom bež dakam :D Normálne prosím :) Pozri, jeden týpek napísal celú esej na 2 strany (Jaguar). Od teba stačí keď napíšeš aspon 3 rozumné vety :D

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