Yeah Zi. This is exactly what I've noticed around 2-3 weeks ago. The ammount of players was rasing before and lately it drops down. I thought it had something to do with new games that came out lately, Christmas time also and other factors. I wouldn't be so sad about it yet.
But I can agree. I've starty to worry a bit again - around 2 weeks ago. But this won't help this amazing solution at all. Let's try to pretend we don't see it and it will go away ;) It will be better. More people are still coming, commenting, watching tutorials, asking me on Youtube, and sending Private Messages on They are coming - they just don't play right now :) but this is the mistery that we can't solve right now just like that. I hope this problem will just pass.
It's not math or physics. No "snow ball" effect in case of people's minds. The big mistery of man kind. Why does multiplayers die. All we need is patience. Around spring will come big internet promotion. But still we have no idea how it all will end in December of 2015. I hope it will be at least 4x more players till that time. But no sense to worry if won't. At least 10-15 of us can play here for many years. It's good enough belive me. It's not only my opinion.
Remember man we already had very hard times here already. Now can be only better. The problem is that we don't know how this graph of players will look like. But I hope it finally will go up. If I'm wrong - at least empty servers will wait for next 10 years here. Waiting for you, me and few others friends who will have this "crazy" idea to play here alone or with others - just from time to time.
So try to be positive and take a break next month. What we have here is amazing anyway. Thing I was dreming about 2 years ago before I even knew GameSpy will kill it so soon. Independent solution which can last forever.
I'm watching youtube a lot, gaming channles, I know all new games that came out lately - and I'm sure many of those games are steeling people from here - that's for sure - you can't force them to play 8 years old game right now :) - But this place will always wait - so let's be positive. I have hopes for next year :) To have finall verdict you need to wait till December 2015. We will finally find out before next Christmas. It's to early to worry about things. Just relax about it and enjoy other things man.
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