Though you should do something about it now. Another swagger on server again. And seems like it wasn´t only one today. Kinda screwed nowadays.
❤️ 0
only thing I remember (as Frankie reminded) he was asking me few days ago on's "short messages" system to finish Parkour City (just for him like he was a kind of special or something).
Reading stuff like this makes me want to actually support people like Frankie to be admins - so they can hopefully "enhance your life" to better or worse.
If such a question was annoying for you (or should i rather say to these 2 fellows,that started this thread?!
I don´t really know what this Coregamer have done. I saw him just "annoying" on
and that continually put gasoline to the fire AND INFLUENCE YOUR OPINION - Freebo! - let me remind you that my ORIGINAL question was about where I could download the map, because in my memory i thought - that i have once actually downloaded the map or that it has leaked (some beta stage)... And i remembered that i deleted my crysis folder later...
But as i see, there probably wasn´t any beta leaked.
Can't you understand hacking, teaching hacks or promoting hacks to others is like a crime in virtual world. Wake up finally - if you don't understand that. It's the same crime as vandalism or beating people on the streat (looks like some are doing that also or at least want to - but are scared in real life).
We were just 2 people on the server, when MisterSD left... He was actually a premium member (i think he is now too) and he was having fun with us
no respect for basic rules is just loss of time and energy
He was actually spawning Aliens for us so we could try our tricks on them =D So as the saying goes - We create our own rules. And when we are having fun - all people on the server - i think those are good rules and it is actually what the game was made for - to have fun.
And after he left(because we were there for a long time) - we were a lot of hours alone on the server, so nobody was harmed lol...
And Freebo, (if it seems like that the 2 guys that stared the thread are so successfully making you hate me) - then i have a reccomendation that could really those 2 guys, that continually throw gasoline to the fire - especially in this thread AGAINST ME
To simply turn the anticheat On!!!Then there will be no hacker that will bother your 2 new found friends!
In the process - (when those 2 guys started to make you hate me by the contiuall attacks in this thread - and they have not gone off to another)
you will also feel, because you will (if you actually disslike me-like they wanted you to do), then you will feel good, because you most likely think, that you have done a good job, Though you should do something about it now.
I can allready hear them screaming back, that their cause is righteous(as was Hitlers -eh?) but I have studied psychical maniplation and i am telling you that these guys are manipulating you
Let me recommend you a book : Combatting Cult Mind Control by Stephen Hassan
althought it applies mostly to cults, the tactics of manipulation are almost always mostly the same
and most importantly, because the book is easy to read
And I didn´t even want to write about my manipulation "theory" but now as I read the dialogue of these 2 guys MORE AND MORE- I see that it is - sadly - the real truth.
Because normal people would have stopped allready...
Just look how their sentenses are calculatively structured! Even I couldn´t do it better IF I WANTED - to have a more manipulative effect.
For example : sentences like :
I promise I'll be online and watching players !!!
are just the Cherries on top of the cake...
By the way(if you don´t want to study the psychical manipulation)- similar sentences are actually used to get woman-who the lowest of all men use (to get woman-manipulatively).But I bet almost every person at atleast one point in his life tried to find out a good "tactic" how to get a woman...
However using manipulation in a way like this - against players, and more importantly - to influence your opinion - is a disgrace in my opinion, if they are actually doing it - which i suspected from the begining, but now i just see too many "coincidences" and sentences that are really "bookish"(like taken from a book).
Just look at the title - screaming for imidiate attention. By the way - how you think headlines for newspapers are made?