BANK! for everybody


  • veenitkumar

    I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE BANK COMMAND! but this command is only in some servers. i want this command in every server. And somebody says we use that by create a id for use that he says me make a your account in CONSOLE! type (id/login) I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW? but now i know that. :D I just want to say i want use this command in any server and and do not log in account.

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  • HipHipHurra

    Bank is currently not on every server i think. Some server have it but you need a permanent profile ID. Means you have to login into your account here and join a server with the "Join" button from serverlist. Another and better way is to make the login permanent: Instruction: 1.) Creat the file "autoexec.cfg" in your crysis root folder (C:\...Crysis\); 2.) Add the yellow marked line from your profile page here on the line looks something like: "secu_login HipHipHurra 1k32jh3glj1hg4l1hg23lkg1lk2..." (with other name and key) 3.) Start your Game and you will see that you are now always automaticly login into your profile

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  • Youda008

    Hi. The main problem is, that your bank status is assigned to your account. Account is the only reliable identification of players. If you save some money to the bank, it saves them for your account. And next time when you join the server, it must somehow know that it's you and not somebody else, that's why you need to login to your account if you want to withdraw money from it.

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