Events Video Archive 2014 / 2015 - ( 12 videos )


  • Freebo

    Here are few Events recorded and prepared for Events Archive. To get 60 FPS please watch at 720p60

    Swamp Event - 19.09.2014

    Steel Mill Event - 25.10.2014

    The Valley Event - 28.02.2015

    Mountain Race Event - 14.03.2015

    Bridges Event - 28.03.2015

    It was quite funny event and with a lot of humor. Chat and dialogs during the gameplay in Crysis MP are sometimes as important as action.

    Training PS Event - 11.04.2015

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  • Youda008

    Awesome. I love, how my name is always visible everywhere :D but i always die on the scene :D And btw 60 FPS works in Firefox too.

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  • Zi;

    Don't we have some video from prison event too? It was sort of fun I think. Also what about walljumping event on Pure? It was only one time in history :-/ We could repeat it some day, or predator mode by Freebo, that one was really fun with wings. :D Shame that I wasnt on Swamps event, it seems to be interesting map :-/

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  • Youda008

    The Predators!! I'm saying that all the time

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  • Freebo

    Yes I know it work in Firefox also right now. It wasn't working for all last month though - when I was uploading videos - so Chrome was safe suggestion :) Youda - Yeah maybe you die sometimes but you are also in some nice win-actions there. It's very random. Just like real life. Unpredictable, unplanned situations saved by camera. Never know. But something to show your grandkids in 30 years - "Ancient MP Game Skills of Grandpa" :). Just think about it. Zi - Yes, I know. I have 3 other events (still not uploaded) but unfortunately I wasn't recording Prison (I was there but explosives made me leave after few minutes :)). I wanted to make video of it next time - but I never saw players there anymore, even when I was on server. This is why few days ago I wanted to suggest Prison Break Event for this weekend - but I think that IA on some cool, open custom maps would be better for this event - so maybe next week with Prison? Or even this week but around 22:00? I still think Prison Break should be better balanced - claymores are OP there - 2 hard 2 escape :). Maybe even 2 ways out instad of one? Anyway I'm sure it should be played and recorded. It's great mode. Same as race and random jump maps. Predator/Hunter mode ? There is already 38 minutes video of it in action - from November 2014: - but it wasn't even official event so maybe would be nice to put it some day on Saturday's Event (10-12 players). Early Summer maybe.

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  • Freebo

    Another 4 videos of latest Events for Archive. Some actions were really cool here and atmosphere was nice as always. Please watch at 60 FPS - for more realistic experience.

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  • Freebo

    2 more videos for Events archive

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