

  • Zi;

    SSM SafeWriting 2.8.0

    is now officialy out, so click this link and download: http://crymp.net/forum/dl/SSMSafeWriting-2.8.0.zip Here is small list of changes: 2.8.0: 1.0.0 and 1.2.1 now both merge into only one DLL file for 32bit! 64bit is deprecated if you want to use OpenSpy as your server list (alternate) To get your server listed at other masters, use sv_master DOMAIN NAME, like: sv_master openspy.org Players who didn't get validated ( tmp accounts ) can no longer have statistics and bank. Added example file for PortalGun, use !giveitem *all PortalGun LevelDesigner is now officialy part of SSM SafeWriting LevelDesigner now supports premium builders, premium builds do not save on !ldsave You can now set up server description in Settings.lua using "ServerDescription=..." Added following methods for each command: self:NeedPP(player,pp) self:NotEnoughPP(player) self:EnterValidPlayer(player) self:EnterValidPP(player) self:EnterValidClass(player) self:EnterValidDistance(player) self:EnterText(player) self:EnterValidCommand(player) self:EnterValidValue(player) self:PlayerNotFound(player,name) self:MustBeInVehicle(player) self:MustBeGreaterThan0(player) Where player is sender - one who called command, these methods do auto-translate and send chat message back to player. Added russian localisation, thanks to Globder Improved Translations.lua, please add your own Translations to StorageCustomTranslations.lua! Fixed bug with null kills on 6156 LevelDesigner can now scale objects, use !ldscale size or !scale size for premium builders... like !ldscale 0.3 Added few more commands: !givepp players value reason, !giveitem players value reason, !save, !load, !addtime minutes Due to new DLL, it is no longer possible to keep fully working ingame -> spectators chat and shooting in cloak mode. Also updated ReadMe.html for further info and new looks, so use it to find some cool functions and explanations! Basically, all you have to do is: - extract downloaded .zip to your Crysis folder - go to ServerFolder and run quick32.bat - if you move server to another folder, REMOVE sfw.cfg FIRST BEFORE RUNNING IT!

    ❤️ 0
  • HipHipHurra

    Oha very nice! :) So Distributed can download it now :)

    ❤️ 0
  • Youda008

    *Disturbed And we still haven't finish our public version of CryFire as promissed :D

    ❤️ 0