You can start your own server here - with your own maps and prepare special event for your maps. No problem with that now. It's all up to you man.
Here is all you need to start your own event: http://crymp.net/events.php. The only problem is that it can't be at the same time as official Friday and Saturday events. 8 hours are already reserved - The rest of time is yours.
Unfortunately -
you are wrong about maps creators nowadays. Not many left from the group of people who still work in sandbox 2 - on new stuff.
Maybe 3-4 max - Sandbox MP maps designers in CryMP.Net right now (including myself). I don't count people who made accidental 1 map of course - it's other thing :) I hope I'm wrong and there are more. But I' saying that after experience of 15 months here. I know only 3-4 really :(
So if you have some interesting maps, you want to make more of them in the future (don't worry this network will stay open for new maps for next 10 years),
and you want to start them on your events (you have whole week for that and half of friday and most of saturday + whole sunday) -
I'm sure some people (maps explorers like me and few friends here) will come to check it and have fun there :).
It can be cool to see that in the future. Keep working on your stuff and good luck.
PS: Maps rating? No. We have already had that. People don't care about it :) Maybe next year we're going to bring it back in some other form - only for those who care about maps (around 15 people here). So keep working. If you ask me - I will do maps in Sandbox 2 for years - even for 2 players on map it's always worth it :)