HS not working


  • Black

    everytime i try entering the hotspot server cuz its the only with decent number of players i get server authentication failed(3) how can i fix this?

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  • Comrade

    Your CD-key is missing or you use same one as some player on the server. What version of Crysis do you have? (DVD/GoG/Steam/Origin) PS: If you're advanced user, you can check CD-key in registry: 64-bit Windows: HKLM\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Crysis\\ergc 32-bit Windows: HKLM\\Software\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Crysis\\ergc There's also a tool for changing CD-key on Crysis DVD.

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  • $6DarkAngel

    I always make 2 backup from registy, first is location where was Crysis installed and second is CD-key, so even if I install Windows again, I just add this 2 reg files to registry and all working ok ;)

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