How to Hotkey Suit Modes


  • Lukas

    How to Hotkey Suit Modes

    Various suit modes (Cloak, Speed, Strength, Armor) can be assigned to specific keys to allow single key press activation of suit modes (instead of multiple key presses using the 'Suit Shortcuts' option). This is accomplished by modifying the actionmaps.xml file located in your Crysis profile directory. Here's how to do this: 1. Click on Start >> Run and type in (or copy-and-paste) the following (WITH the double quotes): "%USERPROFILE%\\My Documents\\My Games\\Crysis\\Profiles" ...and click on OK. OR use Windows Explorer to navigate to: C:\\Documents and Settings\\[USER_NAME]\\My Documents\\My Games\\Crysis\\Profiles ...where [USER_NAME] is your Windows logon username. 2. In the CrysisProfiles folder, open the subfolder pertaining to the Crysis profile you wish to modify. 3. Right click on actionmaps.xml and click on Open With... >> Notepad (or 'Choose Program' and then select Notepad) 4. Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard and do a search for actionmap name="player". This will bring you to this line of code: <actionmap name="player" version="20"> 5. Make a blank line directly under that and then insert the following code: <action name="suitcloak" onPress="1"> <key name="q"/> </action> This will assign the 'q' key to Cloak mode ("Cloak engaged"). 6. Save the actionmaps.xml file. Now whenever you play Crysis, a single press of the 'q' key will put your character in Cloak mode. Using the same method, you can assign all the suit modes to specific hotkeys. All the suit mode special codes that can be used are: Code What It Does suitcloak Cloak Engaged speedmode Maximum Speed strengthmode Maximum Strength defensemode Maximum Armor This is obviously a much more desirable method of keying suit modes than enabling the Suit Shortcuts option which, in fact, has a design flaw. For example, with Suit Shortcuts enabled, double pressing the 'melee' button will enable Maximum Strength but will also trigger a melee attack which is kind of dumb. You want to be able to do either one or the other rather than both at the same time. source:

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  • Youda008

    Thanks for this tutorial Lukas! :) I planned to write it by myself, but forgot about it. Just double the \ character in paths in your post, so that web server doesn't ignore it.

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  • Lukas

    Edited. Q: Is it possible to add this to Sfwclient? So it would be like in Crysis Wars in ingame settings. So people didnt have to worry about files editing.

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  • Zi;

    Problem is not all people are familiar with shortcuts like that, for example I prefer Q for leaning, not to be used as cloak.

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