[Fun and Fight] presentation, changelogs, ideas, complaints

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  • misterSD

    ------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOGS 27/04/18 --------------- important update : - added the PREDATOR mode ! The predator is a type of boss as player. The predator is very stronght, and generally, all others players will focus him because of hight rewards to killing him The predator has a hight HP, a lot of advantages and powerfull commands (only usable by them) note : a predator have a nuke tag to him all the time additionnals informations are in !predatorinfo !predator cost 6 magic power and give the predator-mode until the player is killed. Added some commands (!!!predator only!!!) !mortar : launch a mortar to the choosen player !meteorit : launch meteorits to the choosen player !terminator : kill all players in range and explode all vtols !fly : toggle fly mode for 10 seconds, useful to travel fastly on the map / escape a 1 vs 10 !radar : display in radar all players nearby (because in the neutral team, the normal radar don't work) !trap : spawn a trapped mine for 1 minute that kill all players !magicbox : get a free predator's equipment (including gauss, rpg, c4, mines and claymores) !seek : remove your nuke tag for 30 seconds - Aliens called in c7 by herobrine don't attack the predator, same for aliens spawnned by herobrine, HOWEVER, all others aliens from UFO events will continue to attack the predator - if the predator is below a certain hp, he got a alien armor that help him (until he is killed or got enought hp) -------------------------- minor changes : - added new feature for herobrine : !hero mine : Herobrine will lain a trapped-mine that will kill all players in range. ---> because of the stronght of this feature, Herobrine will never do it "naturally", this event can happen only with very low droprate during a focus. - because of request from some players, I decided to listen feedbacks and create !transfermagic : this command allow to transfer your magic power to another player. - added infos about !myhunter and !predator in !gruntinfo -----------------PUNISHMENT : - Removed OmeN from the forcelist because he has changed and is more respectful with other players now, so I give him a chance. - Because of Blazin's attempts to join the server with many vpn (lol), I improved again the vpn detection (it seen work because after, all his new attempts had all the time got ban xD)

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  • misterSD

    ------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOGS 04/05/18 fixed !herofocus : before it do 120 focus in same time (lol?) sharks now have a skin (and are no longer "ghosts") reduced vtolstar's damage vs the predator to prevent the instant-kill Herobrine cannot attack spectators anymores Server now remember premiums on the day : that mean if a player kill magical grunt, he will be still premium if he disconnect-connect added : !egg and 6 easter eggs on the server, found theses easter eggs to unlock lines in !egg

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  • Lycor

    "well Blazin want to challenge me about bypass vpn hunter ? no problem, I changed the dll, he will have a real surprise if he try again :smile:" You are no challenge for me just to say. :D. It seems that you enjoy to ban, punish and insult others in this virtual World. Sashka and you could be such good friends in RL, you can't imagine. Just to say it again: I do not want to play on your server, please understand this and i do not care about your joy that your esl cheater friend banned me from his infested discord group.

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  • Arder48

    lol you are the most stupid kid that I had never seen you have set all default names to nomads on your server with things like "IdiotSD", "[HERO]misterSD" ect ... how can you talk with your childist behavior ? ) Freebo if you see this post, please ban blazin's server from the network for rule breaking one more time again ... --> http://crymp.net/rules.php video as proof : https://youtu.be/nZmMyTYir64

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  • Lycor

    Maybe not stupid enough to not recognize your cheap VPN Connection. :) Arder48 0017.srv.de.avira:net (ProfileID: 19408) CHAT Aigami to ALL: VPN USER DETECTED :D CHAT Aigami to ALL: !kick arder [server] = YOU GOT FUCKED!!!! [CHAT] $3Andrey $4to $3ALL: $9FIGHT OK

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  • Freebo

    Hi Arder48. I don't know what's happening on private servers of people during the fight there or on chat. But what I've seen personally (because I check server's list every day just clicking it automatically serveral times) - are those names about "...SD" and not that nice as you've posted here. I've seen worse than that. I've got 2 or 3 videos of some of them listed on www server list. The problem is I don't know who is using those names there, because I'm not on that server ever to witness it in real-time. But because server list and names of players are shown to the world thanks to this website - of course using this kind of insulting names is against the rules of the network. It's very low to do things like that knowing that it's visible on website and anybody can see it. What happens on server's hidden chat and what people talk there about and who is being insulted by who is one thing and it has no influence on network. But showing insulting names in server names or in players names, especially when it's against certain players or people is not fair and can do only damaga. Anybody who is doing that - Please stop it. It's not civilized way for conflicts. It can create only more problems between people and show the whole network like anarchy of insult. New players will follow this trend and network will have to vanish. Because sponsoring insults on www has no logic at all. You want to discuss on forum in civilized way, give examples or bahaviour - feel free. But insulting names is really disgusting way to "fight back" So last time please stop it. Thank you very much.

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  • Lycor

    Better you write Hi misterSD Fifth Account Since misterSD needs 5 accounts to defend himself in this forum poor guy :(

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  • Freebo

    Aigami. It doesn't matter who is reporting that. misterSD or his friend or his another ID. Those names are facts and I see it from time to time on the list. I've got to tell you it looks really reatarded and unprofessional. Especially for some 10 years old guests on the website. If you know who is doing that. Please make it stop. This is all I'm asking for. Nothing more. Thanks I will appreciate this a lot

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  • misterSD

    To answer, only arder48 was double account there (btw I not needed to post with it, I just forgot to log-out from the forum -_- ), I used it only to go record what was hapenned on blazin 's server where I have again see some people with insulting name. Freebo, its blazin (aigami) only who is doing that (well, time to time raz also do it), the WORST is that: he maked his server rename all players with bad name... Even you freebo if you joined his server, you will be auto renamed with insulting name. ----> watch this video freebo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZmMyTYir64 last thing : "It seems that you enjoy to ban, punish and insult others in this virtual World. Sashka and you could be such good friends in RL, you can't imagine." --> the simple fact of lying as you do aggravated your case for the moment, only you, raz, atakan, Nomad-hk (the most famous hacker of the network) and murat (other famous hacker) are banned for rule breaking since long time. And why are you saying I insult ? I never insulted anyone. (ps : useless to show screen of yourself using my name, like you do all the time)

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  • Lycor

    - if admin of official server is insulting anybody (calling them noobs, idiots, retarded, ) - MISTERSD - if admin of official server is kicking anybody without any reason (no insults, no cheats, no spam, no trolling). -MISTERSD - if admin of official server is cheating or hacking (there were some admins like that on private servers). - if admin of official server is trolling servers with commands or some kind of spam himself. - MISTERSD There is just one guy who should be banned forever. Abusing virtual Might. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA

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