Hello. Good news everybody !
I'm happy to announce that there will be no distiction on website between official and private servers anymore (at least for a long while for long experimental testing period). The idea we had 3 years ago didn't work out. It brought more negativity than positive reactions and feetback. More ignoration and unpredictable hate than anybody would even imagine just by this simple idea. And the idea was really simple to create "safe zone" for nice people and new players - but after 3 years we know that it doesn't work this way - and is not that simple to provide. Creating "friendly atmosphere" on so called "official" servers - didn't work out and didn't get enough attention and support from the "community" and even from some admins. Rules were not working there anyway. No sense to keep "official" servers mark anymore on the website and create this division between "checked" and "unpredictable" servers. Especially now, when there would be only one official server with admin who is on-line more often than once a week. This is not what group of all "official" servers were supposed to be. There is not possible to keep consistency between "official" servers anyway when their admins are off-line. This is why none of servers will be marked as "official". All servers now can be 100% trusted if they deserve it - and all depends ONLY on their admins, their personalities and their attitude to players, to cheaters, insulters and so on. Pure anarchy as social medias are teaching nowadays. No rules. - and finally leading brands can win the attantion of players. From now on - players will be able to choose which server they want to play depending on admin and the atmosphere, maps used, game modes, mods, commands prepared and things like that - not depending just on "official" or "private" mark which would suggest them which is safe which is not.Now it will be more like it was during GameSpy times as we all remember.
Every server is equal now as it was before 2015. Bad thing is - that this solution unfortunately will not tell players which servers are more trusted than others before trying them out first (like it was planned to be with "official" servers for 3 years). But maybe this is the way it has to be. Maybe which server is trusted and worth playing should depend on months of playing there and personal preferences or level of ignoration. Now "trust" to server will depend only on admins personality. If some new player, after playing for a while on one of servers decides that he can't stand some admin - he can easily switch to other server - which now will be on the same level as all the rest in terms of "official"/"private".Equal value and rank.
Of course most pupular, most pouplated and mostely visited servers will be - as it was for last years - always listed at the top of website. This is how it was for at least 2 years and will stay this way. Very fair solution for everybody. But atmosphere on servers will now depend only on admins and players who are accepted by them to play. Everybody can be 100% independent "official admin" of server now, just like everybody can be private admin. Anybody can be now private admin - which means he makes rules on his server and rules of the network won't apply there. If some admin decides to cheat and insult players just because this is what he does best - and there will be masohist players who love to experience arrogance on their own skin - and his server will be most pupular thanks to that - it's fine and 100% fair. People need to have a choice.Same goes to ranked servers.
Statistics won't be shown anymore (at least for a long while). They were not showing "real" score anyway, and didn't give acurate representations - since each official/ranked server was different, cheats were not always detected and newbies were always bein treated as the source of extra points on ranked servers - which in many situations had nothing to do with real skills of their killers. That's why statistics needs to be rethinked and won't be shown on website for a while. Besides - maybe in the far future there will be only 2 special (IA and PS) ranked servers with 100% classic settings, classic maps, no extra commands, no mods, full, 100% tested anticheat protection. This would be the only way to make it as fair as possible. Just like it works in other games where moddified servers can't be ranked. But maybe we don't need ranked anymore. This issue needs long months of debates.Anyway - No Official Servers, No Statistics, Anybody can create his own brand
- just like it was in GameSpy times. Sweet and happy- The most fair solution possible. Now we can check out how it can really work. Now we can find out if "official" servers may make any sense in the future again. Unless this long experiment shows otherwise - there will be no "official" servers anymore, ever. Fair and simple. Like Youda was always saying: "You can't make everybody happy". This is why we will not try hard anymore. All depends on creativity and personalities of servers administrators. Who will be respected and who will be ignored. People are different and some just don't want any help. Some are even against it and illogically treats it as an assault. Those who really care - will recognize by themselves which server is best for them. From now on - there will be full opportunity for great activities for both admins and players of their servers. Let's hope both groups will cooperate together creating servers nice to play during the week and on weekends. Thanks for the support. Sorry that purpose of official servers didn't work out but you never know untill you try as hard as you can. Good luck and feel free with your servers and have fun like never before.❤️ 0