Your first name: Prince of Bel air (i prefer to keep this as secret in internet)
Your in-game name: Vince Carter
Your profile ID: 147699052
Your age: 21
Your previous experience if any: i was an admin (moderator) in a server called in crysis wars , 4 years ago.
Your motivation: tired of cheap trolls, that start to insult and call everybody who is better than them hacker.
tired of hackers.
tired of baserapers, bunkerapers, and all that junk.
wanna make the server a better place =)
When can you be online in CET : now summer, i might be online +- 12:00-18:00 and 22:00-24:00 UTC+1
What is your average ping on server? 75
Played time: 34h 27 minutes
❤️ 0