Well, server log contains everything. It seems you got jailed for insulting, but insulting itself is probably not a reason to use any admin or moderator power. I'll tell him not to do that again. I think that all those admin commands like !mute, !jail, !kick, or !ban should be used only as tool of last resort when everything else fails. That means admins and moderators should use these commands only against players who seriously break the game. And no, being better than most other players is not breaking the game. That situation when new players play against old skilled players is big problem, but it's not a reason to ban someone.
That brings me to the next part. The guy you talk about is just far better (in terms of skill) than most (all?) players who still play Crysis. I know that playing against him is pure nightmare, especially for new players. He's also quite rude sometimes, but it's his choice to be like that. On the other hand, he's loyal player who still actively plays Crysis, unlike most other skilled players who just left and started playing some trash games like CS:GO. He even records videos with his gameplay. So as i said, banning someone for being "too good" is not a valid reason to do that. In addition, his reason for being rude against, for example, new players, makes sense in some way. I always try to help new players when they have some problems, but the result is that 90% of them are just lazy one-day players anyway. So maybe such players don't deserve much respect. Who knows... :)
By the way, he plays only on 2 servers (something and 7OXICiTY), so as Lycor said, you can avoid playing against him easily.
Lastly, the new AMD processors are really nice, but in most real-world workloads (including Crysis) they are still way behind Intel processors. And in most games if you want to become skilled player, you need good FPS. No doubt about it. So he actually told you the truth.
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