Design - your suggestions

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  • Zi;

    Good idea, I made it clickable, but it looks like not-clickable, so I guess nobody's gonna click on it :D

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  • TunSalat

    Yeah it's good. But if there is only 2 pages, then which one is the current? Luckily most people have some brains :D

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  • TunSalat

    Hey some bug happened with my link earlier. Looks like an unclosed tag somewhere test http://www.very.nice

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  • Zi;

    Yeah, that's fixed. It's hard to keep both versions of links working, both [ url ] in old posts and without url for new posts + make it intelligent enough to recognize that [ img ] link [ / img ] wont make link URL from actual <img> tag :D but should work now. I mean <a href="<img src=...">> would be plain stupid :D

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  • Zi;

    Anyways, you can experiment yourself with colors and stuff if you wanted and create custom color palettes, just by putting &less to URL (or ?less if URL has no other params) and then using Developer console like less.modifyVars({ "background" : "#EEF", "use-background-image" : false, "links-color" : "#048", "links-post-color" : "#024", "font-color": "#333", "input-color": "#DDE", "button-font-color": "#FFF", "input-font-color" : "#333", "background-row-even" : "#DDE", "background-row-odd" : "#CCD", "background-post-even" : "#DDE", "background-post-odd" : "#CCD", "background-server-even" : "#DDE", "background-server-odd" : "#CCD", "background-server-desc-even" : "#CCD", "background-server-desc-odd" : "#BBC", "background-server-stats-table-even" : "#BBC", "background-server-stats-table-odd" : "#AAB", "background-players-list-even" : "#CCD", "background-players-list-odd" : "#BBC", "players-list-header-color": "#06A", "links-active-page" : "#333", "recent-color" : "red", "navbar-color" : "#408", "navbar-hamburger-color" : "#E20074" }); To get light theme for example :D For all variables there are to tweak: @background: #161B1D; @background-image: '/img_main/crymp_bgbg.png'; @use-background-image: true; @background-table-header: #1A1F21; @background-row-even: #222729; @background-row-odd: #212628; @background-post-even: #262B2D; @background-post-odd: #222729; @background-large-serverlist: #22262A; @background-server-even: #2A2F31; @background-server-odd: #22262A; @background-server-desc-odd: #282C30; @background-server-stats-table-odd: #25292D; @background-players-list-odd: #282C30; @background-server-desc-even: #303436; @background-server-stats-table-even: #2C3133; @background-players-list-even: #303436; @font-color: #FFFFFF; @input-font-color: #FFFFFF; @button-font-color: #FFFFFF; @button-color: #23282A; @input-color: #222729; @optgroup-color: #111517; @placeholder-color: #888; @nav-links-hover: #FF9900; @links-color: #FF9900; @links-alt-color: rgb(240, 1, 124); @links-post-color: #00BFFF; @links-active-page: #FFFFFF; @links-navbar: #FFFFFF; @navbar-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); @navbar-hamburger-color: #FFFFFF; @navbar-color: #000000; @admin-color: rgb(240, 1, 124); @recent-color: #93d52b; @players-list-header-color: #FF9900;

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  • TunSalat

    Thanks. But I won't be messing with all that stuff :) Your choices seems good. I just give ideas and opinion on some things

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  • TunSalat

    Suggestion: This page (maybe also could be much prettier and easier to read :) Maybe boxing in each topic with background, like here. And with orange headlines :D And the text overall is way to wide for reading. I think anywhere with much text it would be good with a max-width: 500-700px or so (with linebreaking). Also here in forum posts. Something like this (just on the text paragraphs itself): max-width: 600px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden;

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  • Zi;

    That page requires huge rework anyway.

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  • TunSalat

    Ok. Try orange headlines on ? Just to see ;)

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  • TunSalat

    I think the forum overview page should have big and maybe orange subforum title links (also so people know they can be clicked). Thread links less bold maybe. It needs to be much clearer that the one link visible in each topic is only the newest out of many. Right now it's reversed

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