Design - your suggestions

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  • TunSalat (destination is wrong) I saw another bug, can't remember it now. So either urls without http/s should be ignored or made to working link too ;)

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  • Zi;

    Ahh, alright, thanks, I wouldn't notice that, it's fixed now

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  • TunSalat

    I don't think the green dot in server list is needed anymore :) The players list is great now. Very easy to see if anyone is online

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  • TunSalat

    I do think the forum page should be more like the server list page. Highlight on the subforums (big orange title like on servers), and then newest posts, dates etc. as just smaller white text underneath. And keep it all more compact. Right now each section has too much space, and it's hard to get overview visually on the page. Maybe it helps with big titles. Also, some "3 days ago" at "last post" etc. are green, some are white. Don't know if this is intentional, but I don't understand it ;) I'm just saying what I see

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  • Zi;

    Well, really recent are bold + green, recent are bold and old are just plain text. Just to show importance. But they were bugged, so it's fixed now :D And ye, I actually wanted to appoint this issue with forum index page being really space-y and lots of scrolling. I can try to pack it somehow :D

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  • Zi;

    What would you say on something like this? Where there are categories on left, but also latest threads on right :D So it doesn't take much scrolling to open latest thread on PC

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  • TunSalat

    I think it's nice to have latest threads on top in every screen size. I make something and send you an idea tomorrow. Just a quick sketch, so you can see ;)

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  • Zi;

    I tried to reduce things that nobody reads anyway from webpage (like those large headers) so forum should look more condensed now :D Also Create Thread now appears in everything related to forum

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  • Zi;

    I just did big overhaul of forum look on PC, so it should remind old one now :D

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  • TunSalat

    Seems better :) It would help the eyes a lot if the subforum part and latest posts in that are the same background color ish. So it changes just for each subforum. And I'm sure it would be good to always have just ONE (or two, but I think one is best) latest post for each subforum.

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