Forsaken says that my post is a "goofy tirade here ok"?
Forsaken says: "Oh, suit graphics mods are cheats now? That's a new one..."
So what suit graphics mod could he possibly be doing to the suit helmet other than modifying it to take more damage?
I didn't start playing crysis yesterday.
This is from my server log. This is Forsaken troling my validate command.
<22:49:01> CHAT > to <no_profile>: Original from Rick_C137: "!validate 1006775 91a3880c73d8b601992fb1d167bf8cf1dbebf32ba35452f749a0_1566884932 Nomad"
<22:49:39> CHAT > to <unknown>: Original from Rick_C137: "!commands"
<22:49:50> CHAT > to <unknown>: Original from Rick_C137: "!validate asdf"
<22:50:05> CHAT > to <no_profile>: Original from Rick_C137: "!validate urmominathong"
<22:53:39> CHAT Rick_C137 to ALL: well, seeing as there is nothing new.... cya
<22:53:52> CHAT Rick_C137 to ALL: I don't play instant action
Note the authentic time stamp from server logs.
So why is he troling my server? What did I do to him for this propagation of hate?
He is actually trying to spoof the profile to see if it changes.
@ Forsaken, Please post my profile and Ip. I could careless as I have nothing to hide. I'm not the one
troling other servers with "juvenile" behavior. I have more "juvenile" behavior in my server logs.
@ zi,
If there is any question about the authenticity of the info I'm posting, I can send you the entire log.
One of my goals here has always been to host a server void of cheaters and hackers so everyone can have fun
and enjoy this great multi-player game.
regards -
❤️ 0