Password on servers?


  • TunSalat

    Why is there password on so many servers? For testing? Well.. stop it! :) Or give password

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  • KCUSouy

    they should remove the Password and let us test with them!

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  • TunSalat

    Yes. Or make a thread, maybe in discord and share password to selected players maybe. At least!

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  • KCUSouy

    yeah :D cuz it sucks to see Players having fun online in a Server with Password :D

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  • misterSD

    If you mean fun and fight, only testers can come test future stuff.

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  • TunSalat

    No it was other servers. Earlier. At one time 2-3 had password on, with 2-3 players on each Maybe admins are just improving their servers.. But it sucks to see people playing and not able to join ;)

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  • Lycor

    I'm sorry that you weren't allowed to play on my server last time :D

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  • TunSalat

    ;) What is your server Lycor? And what's your ingame name?

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  • SashsBrest

    No it was other servers. Earlier. At one time 2-3 had password on, with 2-3 players on each Cheaters test new hacks. 🤣

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