As many of you have lately noticed, especially since Remaster was first announced, many people are coming in to the CryMP forums with intention of running their own server just to see them gone in two weeks after. There are also so called "seasonal players" who only come and suddenly want to host their server when there is hype around the game. Otherwise they don't care nor play at all. I think all of us know few people like that.
You can see the problem here. Imagine you are the one who helps others, yet you do it for free. You invest your time into giving a helpful hand to someone who wants to run their server but has some issue. That's totally fine. Week passes. Suddenly that server is gone. Was it worth it? Why did you help a person who wasn't even serious about running the server and left soon after? Don't you feel... used? Remember, you are doing it for free and you are spending your very own time to do so.
Lately it's getting as ridiculous as people being as lazy as asking "please, do everything for me, I'm too lazy to even read README how to run the server". These people, if they are not serious about running the server, are literally wasting time of everyone who's helping them.
Look, I know, it feels good to be an admin on your own server and have all the cool commands, but if you are creating your server solely for that purpose and not for purpose of bringing something new to table, then just don't run your server and play on already existing ones.
Now to the point
I've been thinking how to fairly resolve this issue and that's why I'm writing here to get your feedback.
Would you be okay if whenever someone wanted to run their own server, they would first have to apply by writing some sort of motivational letter + how the server would benefit Crysis multiplayer community? Because seriously... we don't need yet another Mesa server if there are already dozens of other Mesa servers with exactly same SSM configuration.
I'm not saying that you need to pay in order to be listed, it'd be still free, I'm just saying that in order to be listed, you need to be serious and motivated about your idea. Only then will CryMP once again flourish.
So what are your opinions? Would you be for something like that or against? Or would you improve something in this idea?
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