Offline validation deprecation


  • Zi;

    Hello guys and especially server owners! As of 14th of November 2022, offline validation algorithm will be deprecated. The reason for deprecation that this API is heavily legacy and sort of relies on guessing which server the player is connecting to, which as word guessing states, is not always the most accurate method. In case you were using this method of validation, please switch to HTTP method of using /api/validate.php?prof=...&uid=... endpoint instead. You can try out /api/validate (or /api/validate.php under legacy) on following URL: which for now is separate instance of CryMP master that can be used for development purposes. Example: 1. Player sends: !validate 123 xxxxxxxxx_yyy Nomad 2. Game server sends GET request to master server: 3. Master responds with either: %Validation:Failed% or %Validaton:Successful% Optional: if you are using /api/validate instead of /api/validate.php, then either {"ok":true} or {"ok":false} 4. Game server authenticates player and assigns profile ID 123 if response was success, otherwise kicks player or treats him some other way If your game server doesn't support HTTPS, just use HTTP instead for this example

    ❤️ 2
  • ctaoistrach

    Good to know 😉👍

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  • golden_elite13

    What was the offline validation algorithm ? It seems to me the method has always been the one you described there (!validate -> server -> master server)

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  • Zi;

    There was also this method which made it possible without ever making a request to master

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