Skill Yard, Gate Road and Necropolis

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  • Freebo

    Hi again. During last month both training, simple maps: "Skill Yard" and "Gate Road" had hard testing days by at least 40 different players there. Thanks for checking theese maps guys. Looks like both are good enough for IA training. Maybe not for lowest laptops but medium PCs should get there at least 60 FPS (I have there around 120 FPS and mine PC is not even good one. I met there guy who had 180 FPS) Here are 2 videos recorded between 4th and 10th of October. Each is pretty long (over 20 minutes so probably no-one will watch more than 3 minutes of it) but this is because I wanted again to catch the atmosphere of MP gameplays there and some chat dialogs for those who care about detailes like that. EXCUSE VERY BAD Youtube's compression here - originals are smooth and unpixelated (links to download originals will be posted later under the videos). Enjoy anyway and give some comments there please: Both maps are on-line on 6156 and 5767 Crysis servers almost every day. Always waiting to check them out alone or with friends. By the way... on Saturday night and whole Sunday - finally first time after 8 months of break "Necropolis" - HQ map for explorers is going to be on-line. If anyone is interested - just please check servers on Saturday - after the Event (around 22:00) and Sunday - whole day long. To remind what I'm talking about - here's 8 months old video about "Necropolis":

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  • Zi;

    It looks very nice. I look foward for Necropolis, which looks really amazing,I hope that atleast somebody comes to have a look and that I can find some time. :)

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  • Freebo

    Thanks guys for visiting Necropolis on 1st of November tonight. At least it was right day for it if you know what I mean. First time afer 8 months map was on-line and 10 players aleady there between 22:10 - 24:10. Was really fun! Many actions there today - that I wasn't even planning while I was building the map (so new ideas for the future to make it better). I guess it's always good to test beta in MP for a while before releasing finall version ;) Zi; thanks for finding some time man. Unfortunatelly it was only 20 minutes (yeah 22:10 is late) but I hope will be more exploring next time. Necropolis will be on-line whole week. Sometimes with Day set there, sometimes with spooky night. With little fixes and some changes. BTW Zi; Try "Paramotor" once again - because I'm not sure it works right for all players. At least 3 players today had no problems with that. I have no idea about others (who else was trying it). Always good to know what to fix :). "Icarus Wings" work good enough for all as always. The problem is that those who don't know Circle Jumping flying style - can't use it properly yet and fly fast ;) but it's the matter of time. Anyway Have fun and see you there some day.

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  • Zi;

    I got it working that time when I was there finally, I don't know how I did it though. :D

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  • HoneY^

    I cant connect in Freebo's server.

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  • Freebo

    Hi What do you mean exactly ? You are kicked from server after map's image shows on your screen ? or you can't even get map downloaded ? are you sure that you have the map. As I see in 10 days history ONLY YOU couldn't join this server with Necropolis (not counting lua hackers I have on the list or GerCry dll's users [now even they can connect because I switched off dlls matching already]). I saw you joining on 2nd and 7th of November. You had only 2 tries during those 10 days. Every time server shows: cause=23; msg='Remote disconnected: multiplayer/ia/necropolis'. Seems like something is was wrong with map on your PC (?). Can you enter other servers with custom maps? Try "Shore Hotels" for example and let me know because your case looks strange. Maybe you will help others with that. Please let us know. Thanks.

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  • HoneY^

    I try always to connect in your servers, but always failed i am bored of this . When i try to download map downloader start to download then it download 100 %. It's time to load 5 sec then can't connect, always : Can't find map multiplayer/ia/necroplis. I have and gercry patch , i try to download ur maps in but error always BORED

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  • Freebo

    I think I know how to help you. I mean - I have last idea. Just read all right to the end. Yes I see that you try. And always same error. But error is your. It's not on my server. Nobody but you have this problem now. Only you. Looks like your autodownloader is downloading the map but is not extracting it and not installing it in your game folder. So you can't join. You just don't have the map. Simple. PS: Sorry but - is not anymore place to download maps (was for 3 years with old Crysis). Since we have prepared autodownloader all new versions of maps are in downloader - working with on-line server. No sense for me to put some versions of those maps on now because all maps on my servers are "alive" and changing from time to time (being patched) - so while entering the server with autodownloader you are always sure you have the best version, latest version, not version 1 year or 1 week old (you would be kicked with that anyway). Sorry that your Windows system has some strange restrictions. I'd like to help you but I don't see your folder structure and can't check it all. Info that you give is not enough to help. It's kind of... "bored" or something. BUT I have one, last idea here thanks to the problem my friend had with his system some time ago and I have found very easy solution for it thanks to more advanced info that he gave me about the problem. At least he was trying harder. Here it is : TRY to click with RIGHT mouse button on "Crysis Multiplayer" icon - and choose from menu "Run as Admin". Start the game this way and Try LAST TIME to enter my servers. If downloader won't start the game after downloading - I won't be able to help. I agree I'm kind of a wizard but not that good. But Please Try this trick - because maybe your systems restrictions are forcing map to download to other (new) folder. Try to "Run as Admin" and map should be installed in right place (crysis/game/..) so you will be able to play :) !! If not then... you will be "bored" for good. But one last try! I see that little spark of joy waiting for you ;) Good luck. I'm almost sure it will help.

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  • HoneY^

    Yeah it work man 100 % , thank u very much i hope we will see soon .

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  • Freebo

    Ok. Great. I'm glad it helped. So it was about windows restrictions of course. Anyway - have fun there - at least from time to time :) I will play again as soon as I finish maps and mods that I'm working on right now. Still a lot to do this year so I can't play often. But see you soon man we're going to test some new things.

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