Promotion of Crysis Multiplayer (discussion)

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  • Youda008

    Hello everyone! I guess it's time to ask an important question about future of us and our great game. Thanks to Zi, Freebo and other hardworking modders and of course all loayal fans, Crysis has survived it's own death (the GameSpy shutdown) and now we are still here and play regularly. Unfortunately the situation is not as good as we would wish, and it can be barely called alive. Truth is Crysis is not so far from being dead, and we shall not underestimate it now. I'm absolutely sure there are hundreds of people in the world, who would fall in love with this game, as soon as they tried it. The major problem is the Crysis reputation (known mostly as single player benchmark game) and little public awareness of it's possibilities in multiplayer. However i believe it can be changed. There is always something we can do about it. It requires just small common effort and little interest in what's going on. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE it now, don't pretend it does not concern you, or some day it might happen, that when you come from the school in the afternoon, there will be no Crysis Multiplayer anymore. For now, let's start with open discussion about "How to promote Crysis 1 Multiplayer to the world, how to increase awareness on the internet, how to show the best sides of it". Let's do a little brainstorming, pour here any your ideas. More heads know more. I will start with few: 1. some nice trailer for Crysis 1 Multiplayer showing the best sides of it 2. few fight and jump tutorials for incoming beginners (to make them stay longer, and not leave after 1st try) 3. visit various sites and forums about games, and write about Crysis MP there Now it's your turn.

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  • Greece4Ever

    Well i always tried to promote crysis even if it wasnt dead yet. I have a youtube account were i used to upload funny vids and pure multiplayer gameplay. I decided to start making vids again now that i have a better internet connection but with only 500-ish subs i cant say i am really promoting it, its better than nothing though. As you said on No 3: i'll try to promote promote it through my instagram account using hashtags for the world to see but still not enough. 4. What we can also do is go to steam and write some good and honest reviews for the MULTIPLAYER mode of this game (with link to crymp of course). Most people in reviews mention the singleplayer mode and considering the fact that due to its low price and famouse visuals some people might still go there an dread some late reviews..

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  • Frankie

    Ok, here i go again. gonna make it shorter this time. Trailer - I think its good idea, if so - showing best moments, with nice music, it must be catchy, no too long, not too short, just everything in best look, to manipulate them ! ^u^. One option to introduce it was making some "famous" youtuber to upload it. I would just be surprised if some of these famous ones, having enough big amount of subscribers to watch it, wouldn´t be so "not proud" to not ignore it, unless he didnt play it before, or something (which i wouldn´t better count on). I dont think Tutorials would help somehow. I mean, for example flying, would look nice on Trailer, but telling what to press to do that wont look entertaining to anybody, who havent the game yet. And there are many made already. Maybe some longer video, showing different maps, effect and whole environment at all ? But in some entertaining form, not just walking around and watching burning tree in forest (for example), - some nice music in background, and delete unneeded, borring parts, and leave there nice ones. Because if you will make like, i dont know, for example 15 minutes borring video,(instead of 10 minutes entartaining) nobody will watch more than 2/3 minutes, as always. But it would need main, introducing video first anyway. Trailer and showing it on some games site, or forums, would be most effective i think, anything more comes on my mind at the moment.

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  • Greece4Ever

    well i think someone made a nice crysis tribute before the game went down.. so if we make a nice video on the multiplayer it would be nice. Yeah, a famous youtuber giving a shoutout would be really good, but who will shutout a game that even the producers quitted ? Only if we write a touching essay of how much it means :P we can also stream the events on twich so that if someone randomly browses teh games sees crysis 1 and gets hyped up to get it :P

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  • Freebo

    As I said many times (but only few saw it) I'm starting to work on Trailers after finishing maps this year. But it will take me few months for sure to make good trailers with nice story and even own music probably there. BUT as youda ask here - if any of you have ideas for trailers just try to save them and start to work on it. I mean gameplays of course also - but it's not the same. We need real promotion trailers. I will make 5 for sure I have even scenes scripts for those now and lot of videos on HDD but still lot of work. But haveing another 5 or even 10 more made by you guys (I'm sure you have more time for that) - would be even better. In few months we would be able to post them somewhere - showing Crysis 1 MP as THE NEW GAME not the old one from 2007. Only this can bring very new players here. Right now (till the end of the year) some things to finish before showing new Crysis to the world but 2015 will be best for it so just record your videos, save them on HDD and work on ideas. This will all help. Look at BF3 and BF4 videos. Crysis 1 MP on high settings with new maps looks much better than this. But please don't record LOW/NO SHADOWS videos. It won't look good and nobody will come to play Crysis 1 after watching that. It all has to be HQ (resolution 1280/720 is good enough but I mean high shaders and well recorded). Showing LOW videos of Crysis in 2014/2015 will just make "new" guys laugh. But with highest settings it can look amazing. Belive me I've made videos of BF4 maps and really Crysis 1 maps can look much better on new videos. But if you compare BF4 with Crysis 1 on LOW... well... not a chance people will be interested. Only those who play on bad laptops and can't even start new games. But is that what we need here ? Poolday and Aimmap for next 10 years ? We won't let this MP die it's just 2 good for it and will look and work better than most of new games for next long years at least. With small modifications of course that we alredy work on. Prepare for next year with your promotion ideas. Thanks a lot.

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  • Youda008

    So guys, do you agree, that first and most important step is to create a tralier? Let's focus on this one then. 1. What do you think there should be shown? graphics? jumping and flying? infantry battles? vehicle battles? new maps? new mods? There is kind of lot to show and it will require to select only the best, and make a movie with high density of information and high attractiveness. 2. So rather 1 movie with everything together, or more of them separated by topic? Both options have advantages. 3. How long it should be? My guess is 2-4 minutes, because 1:30 is too short, and 5 mins already too long. And Frankie: The tutorials i meant not to attract new people, but to keep them for awhile. Because all the promotion campaign would be useless, if all the incoming players (even 10 per day) will just try it once and leave thinking "fuck this, it's too hard, everyone cheats" etc

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  • Zi;

    The most important thing that we need to make a trailer is dynamic camera + some nice graphic effects and of course music. I mean trailer looks boring when you can see there how camera moves once slowly, then ultra-fast, same with rotation. Something like this:

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  • DSnipeFunk

    I think you all have it wrong. I am very impressed with your progress to-date, and Zis 'cube' server is SUPER-creative and unique. But players do want to come back to the old Crysis. BUUUUT - the only way to make this work indefinitely, and to get the old 'Crysis culture' back, is for all you people out there (yourselves AND the competition) to put the past and differences behind you and work on a common solution together. Otherwise threads like this would just repeat itself for eternity. P.S. Freebo - Didn't you just massacre Greece in the other thread for promoting his ideas? And here you call for exactly that? What am I missing? :p

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  • VenomX

    Some good thoughts here for promoting, I think trailers and such definitely help. I think there are probably two different approaches that could be taken with how we advertise the game that sets it apart a little from your everyday "CoD" game and could be attractive to people and worth showing off a bit extra in trailers: 1) It's very creatively free and unlimited in gameplay styles for an FPS, not only in that the maps are huge and open to free roam on most servers (and still quite beautiful by todays graphics standards!), but also the player movement with trick jumps and the more parkour-ish approach to things. I think some cool fight sequences incorporating things like wall jumps with mid-air kills etc could look very interesting for people coming from more limited movement games, a bit like a Jedi approach or those old kung fu movies where everyones flying :D 2) Also, it's pretty hardcore. It's not just first bullet hits wins, you really have to wear down the nanosuit armor which means development of the ability to land as many bullets as possible in the shortest time, something you don't see much in other games and reasons why Crysis 2 and 3 were purposely "dumbed down" to be more like CoD because many found Crysis 1 too difficult and frustrating. This could be used as a marketing approach to where "if you really want to hone your FPS skills to the max, this is where it's at" sort of. But anyway, however it's marketed, I think it's also very important to think about how new players are recieved once they connect. Youda brings this problem to attention a bit in his post above, and I don't think tutorials will do much by themselves without a friendly bunch of people in-game that can point the beginner to the tutorial and also offer some live help as well. Sadly a lot of self-proclaimed "pro" players will probably remember me with some annoyance because I always tried to run the MooseNest server in a beginner friendly fashion, and I would try to tell the better people to try to go easy and be helpful to the newcomers (usually with very little success). The thing is, a big aspect of why people find a game enjoyable is that they can have a certain rate of success and get to feel good inside when they accomplish something (such as killing an opponent), this is pretty simple psychology as everybody just wants to have fun. If they on the other hand connect to a server where everybody else have been playing for many years and they get killed over and over without managing to ever win a fight, and without anybody explaining HOW to get better and being welcoming and friendly towards them, all they will feel is frustration and anger and they will never come back to the game after that first sour bite. The standard case I observed on my server many, many times over was beginners would read "Beginner/Fun server" in the list, connect and come into a game with experienced people like wootz, quartz, plow etc and at first the hopelessly out-skilled beginner would be very friendly and humbly mock their own failures as they couldn't get any kills, usually with no conversation back from the "pros" as they are only interested in killing. Then at about 0:10 or so score, they would start becoming very frustrated and at 0:20 (or 1:20 if they were lucky) they'd start calling people cheaters in pure frustration. At this point, all these "pro" players would go into their typical "ahahahahahahaha"-mode and start insulting and mocking the beginner for calling them cheaters (instead of actually taking the time to explain how they kill so easily), eventually even getting great pleasure from making the beginner rage quit. And this was on a server that was supposed to, and very publically announced to, be focused on helping beginners into the game and be a fun soft place for them to land and slowly learn the game on. As long as this is the attitude that beginners are met with in Crysis, it's not going to matter how the game is promoted because people will only visit once and then never come back as that visit only results in extreme frustration for them. Things might be better today than before GameSpy shut down, who knows, but I know from experience that the argument that "if they just stay and play they will become equally good" doesn't really work practically - because they absolutely will NOT stay in a game that never rewards them with any good feelings of success and where people are not being warm and helpful to them but rather only rude and mocking. They will go to another game where they can get easier kills and feel better about themselves and for every lost beginner, the game dies a little bit more. Anyway, I will go back to running my server as a "Fun/Beginner" server and try as best as I can to introduce newcomers into the game, but I think this is something that's important to think about across the board of all servers, that we try to make newcomers feel as included and helped as possible to become a part of this game, and not just mocked for their cries of frustration like it usually was before. I don't think this would be a big deal if it was 10 beginners on every pro player because then the beginners would feel a sense of togetherness and support from eachother, but sadly today we are at a point where there may be 1 beginner on every 10 people who have played for 5+ years and that's going to be hard on anybody who plays for their first time today, they are going to feel very alone in their uselessness and need extra support if they are going to want to stay. But like I said maybe this is better today, I just know it was a big problem for attracting new people when I last played around the time of the GameSpy shutdown and likely a big reason why there wasn't even more players around before the game "died".

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  • Greece4Ever

    I agree with Venom on the "calm your horses pros" subject. I was on a mesa server yesterday.. At war factory an enemy was around 16/0 just by spamming nades and rockets and killing pretty much everything that came out from our bunker. He was all cocky about how nobody cant kill him and even challenged someone to poolday with him. even i almost left the game because he was so annoying, and things got worst when he died couple times untill he left the game so go on a poolday map.. everyone in the server was annoyed by his attitude from what i could tell. Something like that also happened to MooseNest too once. So if we want to attract more players we need to relax with skills and dominating, once there was many servers online and none would care if he had to change server. Now we must be carefull and provide teh best gaming experience for EVERYONE. We all want kills and good scores, but at this point its not the Master Goal what we should have. I am sure most of us have some experience in moderating or being admins in a server and i am sure you can unsderstand what i mean Game experience over score. I am not here to name anyone in particular but we must all deal with this game as a small community, We must put our Ego aside and then start promoting. This 15/11/2014 saturday event had around 15 people inside on shore map with a really nice and fun game, then suddenly some people felt taht they couldnt show their skill in that map i guess, so what happens? Map changes to poolday without even Voting process. Next, ALL 13 people are forced to spectate the 2 people dueling.. Are we serious?? i am here for an event, not watching two people fighting in poolday like there is something to prove , i've seen enough poolday all these years.. So people left the server and splitted on other servers, EVENT WAS OVER of course, and i was not the only one complaining about the poolday server change.. we wait the whole week to get a full server. I don't know who is in charge of events, or servers or anything like that, but untill we realise whats the proper way to promote the game between us then we can make the ground welcoming for beginners. I feel this is more important than any trailer. My respect to Venom's honesty for bringing this up and thanks to him for the amazing work he is doing In MooseNet.

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