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  • HoneY^

    Any admin who can make me moderator or admin , I play so often in IA1 . One hacker come everyday with speed hack , making players disconnect and tired. So , please who can make me moderator or Admin for that server , I promise I'll be online and watching players !!!

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  • Freebo

    I can give you kicking rights man - but on my 4 servers only :) Just let me know. I will be switching few things on all servers in 2-4 days from now - so you can get this one kicking command installed just for you soon :) But it won't help with HS servers so I'm just saying :) You probably don't need it anyway. About HS servers you have to contact Youda or Hip Hip. You both are in Crysis1.com private messages system - so you can use it in this kind of urgent situations. Good luck.

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  • Youda008

    Wasn't that Coregamer? That motherfucker, i wanted to give him a chance, i spoke with him in the game, but if continues to do that, i'll ban him personaly. I'm sorry, i would like to help you more, but Admins and Moderators need to be trusted and reliable people, because they have a very strong power, like changing server settings, quiting server, adding/removing new users. And i barely know you yet. All i know is, that you play in the servers sometimes. But i want to give you some chance. You will become SuperVisor, that is a role which as able to "warn" for some predefined reasons, and system will automaticaly punish/kick/ban people after few warnings. About contacts, if you need something from me about HS servers, and you need it fast, write me at Skype (youda008), because unlike forums, i'm online at Skype almost all the time.

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  • HoneY^

    Hmm , Isn't CoreGamer he using a lot of names. You know me I'm sure , we played a lot of years (3). If u trust me u can for 100 % , I'm not a player like GerCry some admins . They kicked me why I have more skills ... However It's your choice , I'm more than you online in Crysis. I don't have skype sorry .. I'll write in FACEBOOK !!!

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  • Youda008

    Oh damn facebook, how did you find me? Just please don't give it to anyone, i don't want to get fb flooded by Crysis players, for that i have skype :D

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  • HoneY^

    HAHA , don't worry about that :)

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  • Freebo

    Haha. You didn't know that HoneY is Facebook master. He has find my FB Crysis account (that I wasn't using at all - was just for testing youtube videos) - and starting to contact me there right after my announcment on Youtube about GameSpy's closing - it was around April 2014. He was probably the only one who I was talking with on FB in my whole life. This is how he became trusted for me in a way :) Meeting people in untrusted environemt (FB) - makes you trust them after while ;) But yeah - he will always find you on FB even if you don't have account there :) or at least you don't use it. I even forgot that I had that testing account there - Honey Reminded me by his posted questions there many months ago :). BTW thanks for reminding again - I need to close that account as soon as possible finally.

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  • Youda008

    So i found the cheater in log. It is really wasn't Coregamer, but it was a guy, who was taught to cheat by Coregamer. I think it's time to enable anticheat again :/ And i'm gonna give those 2 some temporary ban as warning.

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  • Freebo

    Of course it's time now. Think about including files comparison back again (in protect.xml). As far as I remember (was testing it on HS - 2 months ago) any changes on basic files on client side are not detected there - It's of course off on some of my servers - because of modifications that some of my servers are using (weapons/explosives mostly) - but on Ranked ones all what is possible to be set as "include" should stay this way. As far as remember even player who has made walk speed and jump hight changes in his crysis file (I can't say here which file it is of course :) but I've found this way while working for Steel Mill Open mods 3 years ago) is allowed on HS servers and not bein kicked in few seconds as he should - because this file is simply not being checked at all. At least on Ranked all restirctions should be set on max. Unless some file just has to be excluded during checking - as it was before with 1 or 2 basic Crysis files only. But it's my opinion about ranked and this is why I still don't have ranked server :) I would need "standard" settings there while preparing server as ranked. Anyway think about it.

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  • HoneY^

    HEHE , Do u want to tell you Youda when I see him ? I've seen him 2 times , I should kick or BAN ? I ask you , because this is better :) Freebo , let facebook open :)

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