Event ideas

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  • Freebo

    You've got the point Lukas. Of course like Zi said - probably 50% of users don't even use their e-mails nowadays because of stupid fb and other crap like it. That's crazy but it's true somehow. Aspecially for very young users. They prefer to be fully controlled by fb than use more independent accounts to communicate. People don't even have own webpages. They have fb profile - and that's enough for them. What cen we do? Unfortunately brain is very hard to find in internet nowadays. But yes - we have all 800 e-mails and even more. The problem is most of people would concider it as some kind of spam (I mean those who don't really care about the game and I have no idea why created their accounts). So it's always hard decision to start this kind of e-mailing action. I always thought e-mail base will be helpful in the future for something really important - like in 1-2 years from now. But maybe even for events. You can be right. But I won't decide myself about it. I have nothing against this kind of usage of e-mails database of course - it can help to bring more players on servers also during the week's evenings - not only weekends - but in my opinion this e-mail should contain some special info about some kind of new things on events. Sending info about standard things that we had during last 4 months - won't work good enough and can work the opposite way even. Thanks for reminding Lukas. We can prepare something special and then use this option. Feel free to post ideas to make events more attractive. No limits :)

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  • Youda008

    There are so many possibilities, here are only the most basic and simple ones: - tank battles - air battles - vehicle battles (all together) - sniping battles - even ship battles o_O - playing PowerStruggle like it was intended - build up teams, then start a match and play for destroying HQ - racing - there are aready few racing maps, and Zi already wrote a script for racing - predator&hunter mod - such an awesome thing doesn't deserve to be forgotten and not used - zombie mode - zombies have only fists, who is killed by zombie becomes zombie Of course with a little programming we can adopt game modes from other games: - capture the flag - plant and defuse the bomb - domination - gaining points for captured areas until one team reaches limit first - assault & defend ... Ideas are endless, tolerant players are not endless.

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