Events Compilation 2015


  • Freebo

    Just a simple compilation of few Events 2014/2015

    For best quality and 60 FPS - please watch in Chrome, at 720p60: Otherwise it will display only 30 FPS. Thanks and enjoy the battle.

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  • Zi;

    Great work, wow!! I must say, this video is briliant, even more in 60 fps!

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  • Freebo

    Thanks. I agree that 60 FPS has the power, especialy in Crysis videos. Maybe it's not the best montage and it's quite long/extended version here, but I hope because of it's length though, this video can be good enough to show in one, single piece, what Crysis Multiplayer is really about. Amazing atmosphere, many very skilled players on servers and combat actions with elements of fast parkour. Probably none of modern FPS multiplayers can give so much, intense experience in such a short playing time. That's what this 14 minutes video is about I guess.

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