NEW Servers List functions + Events info


  • Freebo

    Because of Network's birthday we've decided to finish old ideas for website, SSM or Client this summer. Finally we have added 2 usefull functions I always wanted to see on servers list to make it more comfortable. 1. Server description which tells players what mods, limits, changes are on server or which maps are in rotation for example. Also can be info what time we can meet on this server with admin or other things like that. Very useful for community communication :) 2. Finally list of players which I have put on the right. List can show up to 8 players who are on-line right now - with their score. So you don't need anymore to look for numer of players - in basic server info. All you have to do is just scroll down whole servers list and you can be sure you won't miss players. To make it even more helpful I've prepared special style for window with players (orange/yellow) and for empty server without anybody playing. I hope it will help for everyday searching for friends who are on-line and playing :) Besides - I've remade subsite about events. Now it shows Friday and Saturday event together - with full description. If something special is coming - you can be sure you won't miss it there. If it's going to be standard IA / PS event you will also find this info there. Also with pictures of maps which are going to be there as basic ones in rotation. Soon more things on events. It's only the beginning. More things like that will come soon on website. I can't tell what yet. But it's coming :) NEW SERVERS LIST FUNCTIONS: NEW EVENTS DESCRIPTIONS:

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  • Frankie

    It´s in perfect order now. I love it. Considering to use CryMP for checking servers, instead of from now on. I just missed the list on right x).

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  • Freebo

    Well of course you are right Frankie. But I will update the list on also so you will make your choice later :) Funny thing is that this list on wasn't updated since forced switch to new master server - it was 10 months ago :) So I really wanted to update it there long ago. Now I have real reason for it. But have it running in its best on CryMP.Net is more important always since here is Network and promotion website. There is just Crysis 1 MP fans portal as you know - which can exist for next 40 years no matter of MP or active players, like dead museum with photos, videos and articles :) But at the same time I think many people use it as "portal" to CryMP.Net so I shouldn't forget about updating servers list. Thanks for the opinion though. I have also other functions in my mind to put here this year... slowly it's getting really comfortable and not too many functions at the same time becase mess is last thing we want on this website.

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  • Youda008

    I won't lie. I preffer to be minimalistic. I like more, when the server list is made only by single line entries with server name, map name and number of players, the rest of information is in a full page after clicking on one of them. That way you don't have to scroll so much and see all available servers together on screen and it doesn't overwhelm you with too much info spreaded all over.

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  • Freebo

    Yeah Youda I know. I also know exactly your preferences man. I remember 11 months ago what you have said when we made pictures of maps displayed on servers list 11 months ago :) I always respect when you give opinion without hesitation. I really do. You were right also that time a bit but can't have all at the same time (maybe we will soon - I've got an idea like different settings for registered users when they want it). Don't worry I also don't like the mess like (ranks of servers, IP, Port, Password or not) - things that are NEVER used by 99,99% of players, and website users. This is why I want to make it also more simple letting it usable at the same time. BUT. Things like servers name, description of servers (especially when each server has different maps, modes, mods or damage, fall damage, weapons capacity settings, times of activity of players) - is kind of important. Of course I will never agree to make it look like mess with lot of words and trash commenrs. I'm also a minimalist (but like to have choice depending on needs) I think for a long time about Short version of servers list just 1- line for each server (on one the top of menu or servers page). Just like you say. But this full version of servers list will stay the way it is. Can be 50% lower but seeing players who are on server without clicking, checking what maps are in rotation - is really amazing tool which we never had before. Even things like Battlelog doesn't display all that basic info on first list and you have to click and click to find out more abut each server. Check out servers list of Crysis Wars solution. There list look almost like group of big banners + you have to not only click to see who's on server but also click to see next page of servers list :). Sure it's estetic and looks great - but not so comfortable as our list which also can be styled in nice way. The thing is to make it look short but show all info that is needed. So anyway. I really think also about extra short version beside this one. Just didn't find out how exactly make it visible and which part of website (now I think it can be custom sttings in settings of users account even). The same as I wanted to display who is on Chat right now (on each subsite). (Same way I made on no matter what subsite you watch - you can always see if someone's waiting on chat. Little thigs but useful. Of course chat is not important that much - but just an example :) Thanks for the opinion though man. Means a lot. PS: I can't agree with one thing you have said. I can't agree that using free space (doesn't make list higher) on servers list table to display names of 8 players is not worth it - because you can click to see who is there (this is the point it's not minimalistic anymore since you have to click to check :) ) The idea is: One look, one scroll and you see which server is full of players, how does map look like, what are server rules and even who is there exactly in this very moment. None of servers list had this thing working like that. Only banners from GameTracker (which I had on for 4 years during GameSpy times). All I needed to do is check only main page of my site - and I already knew who is playing on my server - so I could join for 5 minutes to meat a friend. Did that like 100 times. Very comfortable - and now we have it here but with amazing list :)

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  • Zi;

    Hey, atleast it doesnt look so empty now! :D

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  • HipHipHurra

    Hmm.. I like the new style :).

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