server without SafeWriting, is it possible?

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  • Zi;

    Ahh, so all of sudden it was little problem on master side :D so I resolved it, it should work alrighty now

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  • golden_elite13

    I afk some minutes, let me say if you know where does it bug :/

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  • Zi;

    It is fixed already u_u Max players should work normal now, it was just cache error

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  • golden_elite13

    Oh okay xD yes it's now "0/16" thank you Zi ^^ i'm curious to know what was the problem ? xD

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  • golden_elite13

    Sorry sometimes i don't see see your messages, the forum doesn't work in real time :P

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  • Zi;

    Yeah, it's not facebook to work in real-time... it was just problem in cache, thing is if your server is unactive for < 4 hours, master still keeps it in memory with last data and next time you call reg.php, it will return same token and act like up.php, and because up.php doesn't care about maxpl, it would never update maxpl = cache problem. Meaning of this whole thing is that your server will work even if CryMP has shorter service outage, so it restores old token for you. :D

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  • golden_elite13

    Oh okay xD thank you for your help Zi ^^ Tomorrow i will work for the profile ID problems and then the server will works :D See you :p

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  • Zi;

    Sure, that is already smallest part :D Easiest one

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  • golden_elite13

    Hi Zi, validation on my server don't seem to be the easiest part xD I did the !validate command correctly like on your SSM, but the problem is "player.profile" doesn't exist, so it can not take a value. And is a function of phoenix (dll) so we cannot modify it, and this functions always return 0 because it don't care of Sfwcl profiles :/

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  • golden_elite13

    Or maybe this is because player.profile doesn't have any value and maybe there is a bug in my my function (with http request etc) so the player.profile stay without any value :\ I don't know

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