server without SafeWriting, is it possible?

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  • golden_elite13

    And... wanted to ask you another thing too xD is it possible to send message to players like in Wars with "TextMessageBig" but with another way ? I know it's possible because Sfwcl does it with the function CryAction.Persistant2Dtext when connecting to a server (It's written "Connecting, please wait.." or something like that in center~bottom of the screen) but i would do it in the server-side code for players I want, but the function "Persistand2Dtext.." is for client-side executed lua scripts, right ?

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  • Zi;

    Open CryNetwork.dll in some better editor (Notepad++, definitely simple Notepad), find all occurences of "" and change it to "" And nah, it's not possible from server side, sfwclient does it only from client side and only when connecting server from website list

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  • golden_elite13

    I didn't want to set in crynetwork.dll, i simply asked if it changes something to register the server on ? Because safewriting is doing it with "sv_master" and make the HTTP Connection to this website instead of But why ? And for the function of persistand2Dtext, you tell me it's not possible but on MESA Nostalgia server, we sometimes get this type of message from the server, exactly like the sfwclient does. So it could exist a way to do it in the server xD

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  • Zi;

    Noo, that's wrong, sv_master doesn't set HTTP master, but GameSpy protocol master = original server browser. Sv_master actually does what editing DLL would do. SafeWriting HTTP master is set only in Settings, not server.cfg :D So if you also wanna have server being listed in that nice ingame server list like in old times, just edit DLL and change to

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  • golden_elite13

    Okay thank you :D it was just to know ^^ And you didn't answered to my last lines :)

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  • Zi;

    I answered, in post before "And nah, it's not possible from server side, sfwclient does it only from client side and only when connecting server from website list" MESA Nostalgia uses Flowgraphs probably, it's custom map, it's not from server side

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  • golden_elite13

    Okay :/ thank you I had another question.. (sorry to make you waste time xD) is it possible to get IP Address and host of players in lua code ? I know safewriting does it, phoenix too but the original function doesn't work anymore.. (get nil value or "N/A" like the GetProfileId()) but I think with an external tool we can get it ? (I think that's what "SSMSafeWriting.exe" is used to)

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  • Zi;

    Well, take look at SafeWritingMain.lua -> SafeWritingCall / CreateAppCall, it again works like cURL thing, simply "SSMSafeWriting.exe getip" So far you can do this function SafeWritingCall(method, param) os.execute("SSMSafeWriting.exe "..method.." "..param.." > sfw_out.tmp") local f,"sfw_out.tmp","r") if f then local content=f:read("*all") f:close() return content end return nil end function getip(host) return SafeWritingCall("getip", host) end print("google is at: "..getip("")) But I am worried SSMSafeWriting.exe works only when SSM SafeWriting runs also :/

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  • golden_elite13

    Thank you but if it only works for SSM Safewriting.. not very useful for me :/ anyway, is there an equivalent function in CURL like getip, gethostbyname or i something don't know.. ? It would be great If not, maybe we can get IPs of players via an http request to or something like that.. Tell me what you think about it, thanks :)

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  • Zi;

    Well did you try that code?

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