
  • Youda008

    All complaints, suggestions and discussion about the new AutoTeamBalance belongs here.

    I will save you some time and explain why some of the common suggested ways won't work. Don't teleport players to their base, switch teams on battlefield. This is obviously a bad solution, because you can be shooting at an enemy, and he suddenly becomes your friendly and you team-kill him or just waste ammo. Then you can be also somewhere near your base, which sudenly becomes enemy base and turrets kill you. Switch players only when they die. This would be fine ... IF 1 team switch would always solve balance problems. But you can have teams with same number of players, but imbalanced score, like this: Obviously 1 team would make it even worse, so 2 players must be switched at the same time. If you are going to wait until 2 players are dead at the same time, you can wait forever. Switch each of those 2 players separately when he dies There is no guarantee, that after 1st player dies, second one will die soon. There can be quite long window of imbalance, where one team would have 2 players more than another. Additionaly, teams in Crysis change rather fast, players leave and join quite often. Making any long-term plans on who to switch is useless, because before those plans can be executed, situation changes 5 times. As you can see, automatic team balance is very complicated problem. And from my point of view the only correct way is to switch players simultaneously and immediatelly. But if you have a better idea, i'm listening. Also if you are a programmer and you would like to help more actively, you can check the code here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0232vvykw0bxtx3/AutoTeamBalance.lua

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  • misterSD

    hi, I'll would like to talk about a big problem with the current autobalance that teleports you to the base. Yesterday for exmeple I was switchED 4 times in 15 minutes wtf? and it took me out of the fight every time ... This can often be very disturbing and can cause players to leave ... I think the best solution would be to make a mix of "Do not teleport players to their base, switch teams on battlefield." and "teleport in base": So I suggest that if we are 250 meters around a base, we will teleported if we are swtich BUT that if we are not 250 meters away, we are switched in combat without teleport. for me it is the best solution not to disrupt players (and the turrets will not be a problem because to 250+ meters the turrets do not see anymore)

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  • misterSD

    omg ... I just lost my vtolstar when I was going for kill aliens with this autobalance .....

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  • Youda008

    New version displays 60 second countdown to selected player, so he can save his vehicle, or get away from players or bases, then he is switched. If he dies during these 60 seconds, he is switched immediately. If he is too close to other players or to some spawnpoints at the time of switch, he is teleported to his new base.

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