Aimbot, cloak hack detection and skill balancer


  • Zi;

    Hey, it's already some time this script is running on NoobSpot, making gameplay bearable for newbies and detecting several hacks, including aimbot, so I'd like to share it with you guys :D AimDetect={Enabled=true;}; function InCombat(player) return (_time - (player.allCombatTime or (_time-1000)))<30 end if AimDetect.Enabled then function AimDetect:OnShoot(hit) local wpn,player=hit.weapon,hit.shooter; if player and wpn then if not player.aimTable then player.aimTable={} end if not player.aimTable[wpn.class] then player.aimTable[wpn.class]={shots = 0, hits = 0 }; end player.aimTable[wpn.class].shots = player.aimTable[wpn.class].shots + 1; player.aimStatsShots = (player.aimStatsShots or 0)+1; local or 0; if mode==2 then local diff=_time - (player.lastCloakShoot or (_time-20)) if diff<1 then if player.cloakHackSuspects>6 then --Chat:SendToAll(nil,"Player %s suspected from cloak hack!!! Diff: %.4f", player:GetName(), diff) AntiCheat:DealWithPlayer(player,"cloak hack",true,"Suspects: "..player.cloakHackSuspects..", difference: "..diff) player.cloakHackProbable = true end player.cloakHackSuspects = (player.cloakHackSuspects or 0)+1 else player.cloakHackSuspects = 0 end player.lastCloakShoot=_time end end end function AimDetect:CheckPlayer(player) if not player.skill then player.skill = { combatRatio = 0; bulletRatio = 0; avgDst = 1; avgDstRatio = 1; combatTime = 0; skillQuotient = 0; accuracy = 0; shots = 0; hits = 0; timeRatio = 1; difference = 0; }; end end function AimDetect:OnHit(hit) local wpn,player=hit.weapon,hit.shooter; if player and wpn and hit.damage>0 then local mtl = hit.material_type or "unknown" if and then end if not player.aimTable then player.aimTable={} end if not player.aimTable[wpn.class] then return; end player.aimTable[wpn.class].hits = player.aimTable[wpn.class].hits + 1; player.aimStatsHits = (player.aimStatsHits or 0)+1; if hit.shooter and and (hit.shooter.IsOnVehicle and (not hit.shooter:IsOnVehicle())) and ( and (not then = or {} hit.shooter.activeCombats = hit.shooter.activeCombats or {} if and hit.shooter.skill then local diff = - hit.shooter.skill.difference local odmg = hit.damage local ratio=1 if diff>=11 then ratio=10/8.75 elseif diff>=8 then ratio=10/9 elseif diff>=5 then ratio=10/9.25 end if ratio>1 then hit.damage = hit.damage*ratio --printf("raising damage against pro: %.2f to %.2f; combat: %s : %s; skdiff: %.2f, ratio: %.2f", odmg, hit.damage, hit.shooter:GetName(),, diff, ratio) end end local newCombat = false local combat = hit.shooter.activeCombats[] or[] if not combat then combat={startTime = _time; bulletsShot = 0; lastShotTime=_time; side1=hit.shooter; side2=; side1_t = _time; side2_t=0; }; newCombat=true; else local t = 0; if == then t = combat.side1_t else t = combat.side2_t end if (_time - t)>4 then newCombat = true; end --lse printf("diff: %f", _time ); end end if newCombat then local skipped = { DSG1 = true, GaussRifle = true }; if not skipped[hit.weapon.class or "null"] then hit.shooter.mtl_table = hit.shooter.mtl_table or {} hit.shooter.mtl_table[mtl] = (hit.shooter.mtl_table[mtl] or 0) + 1 hit.shooter.mtl_ctr = (hit.shooter.mtl_ctr or 0)+1 local countNow = hit.shooter.mtl_table[mtl] if hit.shooter.mtl_ctr>50 then if countNow > (hit.shooter.mtl_ctr*0.6) then printf("SUSPICIOUS!!! %s MIGHT BE USING HACKS!!! MTL: %s, ACCU: %.3f", hit.shooter:GetName(), mtl, 100*countNow/hit.shooter.mtl_ctr) AntiCheat:DealWithPlayer(hit.shooter, "aimbot", true, "mtl: "..mtl, "accu: "..(countNow/hit.shooter.mtl_ctr)); end end end end combat.lastShotTime = _time if then combat.side1_t=_time; else combat.side2_t=_time; end combat.bulletsShot = (combat.bulletsShot or 0)+1 hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot = (hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0)+1 hit.shooter.activeCombats[] = combat[] = combat --printf("active combat between %s : %s, time: %.2f, bullets shot: %d : %d",hit.shooter:GetName(),, _time - combat.startTime, hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0, or 0) end end end function AimDetect:OnKill(hit) if then = _time-1000 end if hit.shooter and and (hit.shooter.IsOnVehicle and (not hit.shooter:IsOnVehicle())) and ( and (not then = or {} hit.shooter.activeCombats = hit.shooter.activeCombats or {} local targetsCombat =[] local shootersCombat = hit.shooter.activeCombats[] if hit.shooter.activeCombats[] then local pos1,pos2=hit.shooter:GetPos(), local x,y,z=pos1.x-pos2.x,pos1.y-pos2.y,pos1.z-pos2.z local dst=math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) if (_time - shootersCombat.startTime)<60 and dst<90 then --printf("finished combat %s : %s, time: %.2f, bullets shot: %d : %d, bskll: %.3f",hit.shooter:GetName(),, _time - shootersCombat.startTime, hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0, or 0,(( or 0)/math.max(1,hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0))) hit.shooter.totalCombats = (hit.shooter.totalCombats or 0)+1 = ( or 0)+1 = ( or 0) + 1; hit.shooter.wonCombats = (hit.shooter.wonCombats or 0) + 1; if hit.shooter.bulletSkill~=nil and hit.shooter.bulletSkill~=hit.shooter.bulletSkill then hit.shooter.bulletSkill = 0 printf("corrected bulletskill for %s",hit.shooter:GetName()) end hit.shooter.combatBulletsTotal = (hit.shooter.combatBulletsTotal or 0) + (hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0) hit.shooter.combatTimes = (hit.shooter.combatTimes or 0)+(_time - shootersCombat.startTime) hit.shooter.combatDistance = (hit.shooter.combatDistance or 0)+dst hit.shooter.bulletSkill = (hit.shooter.bulletSkill or 0)+((math.max(1, or 0))/math.max(1,hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot or 0)) CalcSkill( CalcSkill(hit.shooter) else --printf("dropped finished combat between %s : %s, time: %.3f, dst: %.3f",hit.shooter:GetName(),,_time - shootersCombat.startTime, dst) end end = 0 hit.shooter.combatBulletsShot = 0 hit.shooter.activeCombats[] = nil end if and then for i,v in pairs( do if v.side1 and v.side2 and v.side1.activeCombats and v.side2.activeCombats then if v.side1 == then v.side2.activeCombats[]=nil else v.side1.activeCombats[]=nil end end end = {} = 0 end end function CalcSkill(v) local shots, hits = v.aimStatsShots or 0, v.aimStatsHits or 0; local accuracy = 100 * (hits / (math.max(1, shots))) local combatRatio=(v.wonCombats or 0)/math.max(1,v.lostCombats or 0) local bulletRatio=(v.bulletSkill or 0)/math.max(1,v.totalCombats or 0) local avgDst=((v.combatDistance or 0)/math.max(1,v.totalCombats or 0)) local avgDstRatio = 1 if avgDst>=100 then avgDstRatio = avgDst^(1/3) elseif avgDst>=50 and avgDst<100 then avgDstRatio = 1.2 elseif avgDst<50 and avgDst>=3 then avgDstRatio = 0.8 else avgDstRatio=1 end local combatTime = (v.combatTimes or 0)/math.max(1,v.wonCombats or 0) local timeRatio = (math.max(0.9,math.log(math.max(1, combatTime)))) if combatTime < 1.5 then timeRatio = 1 end timeRatio = math.sqrt(timeRatio) local skillQuotient = ((accuracy/40 + 2*combatRatio*bulletRatio + 2.5*combatRatio + 1.5*bulletRatio)/(math.max(1, avgDstRatio)))/timeRatio v.skill = { combatRatio = combatRatio; bulletRatio = bulletRatio; avgDst = avgDst; avgDstRatio = avgDstRatio; combatTime = combatTime; skillQuotient = skillQuotient; accuracy = accuracy; shots = shots; hits = hits; timeRatio = timeRatio; }; local avg=GetAvgSkill() v.skill.difference = v.skill.skillQuotient - avg end SafeWriting.FuncContainer:LoadPlugin(AimDetect); AddChatCommand("aimstats",function(self,player,msg,target) if not (IsAdmin(player) or IsModerator(player)) then target=player; end if not target then local players=GetPlayers() or {}; Console:SendToTarget(player,"%26s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s","Player","ACCRC","SKILL","BSKLL","AVGDT","CMBTR","TMRTO","DIFF","FBONE") for i,v in ipairs(players) do if v.skill then CalcSkill(v) local topBone = "unknown" local mat = v.mtl_table or {} local mx = 0 for j,w in pairs(mat) do if w>mx then topBone = j mx = w end end Console:SendToTarget(player,"%26s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f $5%s (%.3f %%)",v:GetName(), v.skill.accuracy, v.skill.skillQuotient,v.skill.bulletRatio,v.skill.avgDst,v.skill.combatRatio,v.skill.timeRatio,v.skill.difference or 0, topBone, 100*mx/(v.mtl_ctr or 1)); else Console:SendToTarget(player,"%26s <no data yet>",v:GetName()) end end Console:SendToTarget(player,"Average skill: %.4f", GetAvgSkill()) else local shots, hits = target.aimStatsShots or 0, target.aimStatsHits or 0; local accuracy = 100 * (hits / (math.max(1, shots))) local at = target.aimTable or {}; Console:SendToTarget(player,"$4Won combats: %d, lost combats: %d (r: %.4f) bullet skill: %.6f",target.wonCombats or 0,target.lostCombats or 0,target.skill.combatRatio or 0,target.skill.bulletRatio or 0) Console:SendToTarget(player,"$4Skill quotient: %.7f, diff value: %.4f (avg: %.4f)", target.skill.skillQuotient, target.skill.difference or 0, GetAvgSkill()) Console:SendToTarget(player,"$7AimStats for player: $6%s$8",target:GetName()); Console:SendToTarget(player,"$8 shots: $6%5d$8, hits: $6%5d$8, accuracy: $6%.2f%%",shots, hits, accuracy); Console:SendToTarget(player,"$7Weapon stats for player $6%s",target:GetName()) for i,v in pairs(at) do Console:SendToTarget(player," $6%s$8 - shots: $6%d$8, hits: $6%d$8, accuracy: $6%.2f%%",i,v.shots,v.hits,100*(v.hits / math.max(1,v.shots))) end Console:SendToTarget(player,"$8First hit material stats: "); local mat = target.mtl_table or {} for i,v in pairs(mat) do Console:SendToTarget(player," $6%s:$7 %d (%.2f)", i, v, 100*v/(target.mtl_ctr or 1)); end end self:OpenConsole(player) end,{PLAYER},nil,"See your accuracy stats in console!"); function ShowAimStats(...) local players=GetPlayers() or {}; printf("%26s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s","Player","ACCRC","SKILL","BSKLL","AVGDT","CMBTR","TMRTO","DIFF","PID") for i,v in ipairs(players) do if v.skill then CalcSkill(v) printf("%26s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %s",v:GetName(), v.skill.accuracy, v.skill.skillQuotient,v.skill.bulletRatio,v.skill.avgDst,v.skill.combatRatio,v.skill.timeRatio,v.skill.difference or 0,tostring(v.profile)); else printf("%26s <no data yet>", v:GetName()) end end printf("Average skill: %.4f", GetAvgSkill()) end function GetAvgSkill() local players=GetPlayers() or {}; local totalSkill,cnt = 0, 0 for i,v in pairs(players) do if v.skill and v.skill.skillQuotient>0 then totalSkill = totalSkill + v.skill.skillQuotient cnt = cnt + 1 end end return totalSkill/math.max(1, cnt) end System.AddCCommand("aim_stats","ShowAimStats(%%)","Shows aim stats table") end

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  • Lukas

    Gj Zi, I hope we're gonna see Smirnoff on this server or he will dodge.. :)

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  • SashsBrest

    Without any anticheats all know,Smirnoff aka SadamHussein =cheater nab. I do not understand why he is still not banned?! every cheater should get what they deserve!!! Him account n2

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  • HoneY^

    Smirnoff with VPN :D

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  • SashsBrest

    Remove server with hacker name Smirnoff's combat school. or rename Smirnoff's aimbot school.Zi make new anticheat and he stop play ahahah

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  • SashsBrest

    Today in noobspot player Artem2023 strange teleport on 10 meters,maybe big lags or hacks idk . do not take his eyes off him look him video

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  • Lycor

    Its not a surprise that many russian players prefer cheating instead of getting better with training. Not only in Crysis and not just Sashka.

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  • misterSD

    This video is from 2011 .... So what is the interest to show it in this thread.

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  • SashsBrest

    This video is from 2011 .... So what is the interest to show it in this thread. Read what I wrote above! Perhaps he again use hacks

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  • Lukas

    YouTube name Artem2023, player name Artem2023... Probably just an old cheater cheating again.

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