What are the requirements for official server?

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  • Freebo

    I have already posted evidence of someone using my logged in ID in MY server. But you still say I was hacking?
    Sorry I don't know what you're talking about. And I didn't want to return to it but since you've asked: I'm talking about that period when we were on Mesa Nostalgia in Early 2016 it was before your server started to show up - two years ago - we were there live - and Comrade brought links to the videos of "Forsaken hacking" on HS servers and his IP there was shown. I don't remember who made the videos - Sashs maybe ? but it's not on his channel. I don't know when video was recorded exactly. But I downloaded it 2 years ago during that Mesa Nostalgia conversation - and have it on some old disc - can't find it in 1 minute - no need for that - So we saw those videos and that IP of hacker there - and while we were talking about it and you were on server - In real time I checked your IP and it was 100% indentical with that hacking guy on the video. We asked you about it the same minute - and told you about the IP and Your answer to that was "I wasn't hacking" or "It wasn't me"...(I can search for that log but I don't have time - no need) this is where people start to say you were hacking. It has nothing to do with your ID or even with YOUR server. That's all about it - since you've asked. But what I'm saying is - it doesn't matter now after 2 years... and after your contribution to USA community during last 2 years - so no sense to bring it back. Let's close this chapter and move on.
    I shouldn't need a 'trial' period for a server, for obvious reasons... my US servers will be back online sometime after the 20th of this month.
    You always need a 'trial' period before becoming official admin - because many people were not on your server even once. For example I was there maybe once - and never checking it in terms of official server. So yes. It should be on-line for a while before becoming official. Just like any others had to for at least few months - including HS and FairPlay servers which were known and tested for around 3 years! (not just 2 months) before even GameSpy was closed. 8 weeks 'trial' period in terms of "fair play" and fair rules is really nothing. I'm sure it's not a problem for you at all. It's not even spring yet. But then again - official server doesn't mean any "prominent rank" - it means that admins have more work and responsibility - I don't recommend it if somebody want to be free to act, say and do whatever he wants on his server. He shouldn't "scare away" people from official server. So think about it - if it's worth your time to adjust some things if needed. If it was for me - because of many reasons at least 2 of my servers will still stay "private". Thanks and good luck.

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  • SashsBrest

    I don't remember who made the video - Sashs maybe ? No,its not me. For 3 years i never seen that forsaken use cheats,its old video

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    How to chat while playing?

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  • Zi;

    Press Y/Z (key left to U) for global chat, press U for team chat

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