ali continue to learn hacks to new player

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  • misterSD apparently, this new player used hacks in the crysis multiplayer because ali gived him hacks.

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  • SashsBrest

    Why anticheat dont detected speed hack?

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  • misterSD

    The Cryfire's anti cheat is disabled, I dont trust false detections. I think it's time to create my own anti cheat.

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  • ali

    all those things are not true

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  • ali

    i stoped giving hacks after i removed that video, and there are some people who are conspiring against me

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    xD misterSD don t understand

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    can be one of your ridiculous scene ahahah

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  • HoneY^

    MonsterSD the protector of Crysis :)

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  • ali

    +1 , yes, he is :D [moster}

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  • SashsBrest

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