Banned from server, by SD?

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  • TunSalat

    This is an edit of my original post because it was a mistake (sry SD): I was banned on server (Fun & Fight maybe). I thought it was something I said and that it was SD who banned me. But it was because I spammed the weapons-buy (it didn't respond) :)

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  • SashsBrest

    Play on the server SPB SM,or Noospot, there nobody will ever ban you, I guarantee you that! I'm still in the forcelistSD,lthough I just go and play, I do not insult anyone :/ He said we should change(all who in the forcelist)what am I doing wrong? The server on my behalf writes nonsense spam all time.

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  • Lycor

    "He said we should change(all who in the forcelist)what am I doing wrong?" One of the reasons for you being on forcelist is that you play with gaussrifle and Rocket Launcher vs beginners, while you claim to be a good player. That's bad behaviour.

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  • misterSD

    TunSalat I don't know what you are talking about, I banned nobody. I was even not playing (and you was talking to the player Vinker, not me). @sashs you still make some troubles in forum and provoke players in-game time to time. @lycor using gaussrifle/rocket vs newbies is not forbidden (sashs is not in forcelist for this)

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  • TunSalat

    SD ok then it was some server cheat-detect bug that banned me o.0 I thought you played as "stronget" at that time. OR it was Orange trolling ;)

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  • misterSD

    I was a afk nomad yesterday, in spectator. I will check logs later and post here what was happen, if I found.

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  • SashsBrest

    One of the reasons for you being on forcelist is that you play with gaussrifle and Rocket Launcher vs beginners

    What? You sure?

    i never use gauss!

    Only if you take away from the enemy,I never buy it myself!

    PS But this is not forbidden by the rules, so leave your shit in your aching head, provocateur

    all your chat commands are the destruction of new players,I can not win you, because you play is not fair, I constantly use the chat commands,And you tell me that I am destroying new players? Consult a doctor!

    The next time you lie, provide a video proof of your words!

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  • SashsBrest

    @sashs you still make some troubles in forum and provoke players in-game time to time.

    What exactly am I doing wrong?

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  • TunSalat

    Please don't misuse this thread for your stuff. Create your own thread. Thx Can an admin please remove the comments from SashsBrest and Lycor here?

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  • SashsBrest

    This is already not yours thread,sorry XD I do not know how to create new threads)

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