Banned from server, by SD?

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  • SashsBrest

    Lycor I don't even know your nickname in the game.I'm talking about users chat commands in general, not personally about you!

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  • misterSD

    Lycor who are you exactly ? I have never saw a player with your name. @sashs stop pollute the forum with false conspiracy againt me, you request me to be removed from forcelist but you still act like a toxic guy right now, so the question : why must I remove you from forcelist if you have still not changed? Everytime someone create a topic on forum, you aulway spread bad things against me on it, since months. You said "PS But this is not forbidden by the rules, so leave your shit in your aching head, provocateur". Before your answer I said that it's not forbidden, so why you insult me and say I lie ??? ps: I will probably not answer on your next post, because I don't want to "feed the troll", I just wanted to make things clear.

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  • SashsBrest

    so why you insult me and say I lie ??? I say it for Lycor.Read carefully, this message was not addressed to you.

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  • Lycor

    Okay друг

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