DX 10 50 hz

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  • Lukas

    Hello, when I launch my game in dx 10 I have really bad stuttering, apparently it is due to the game being locked on 50 hz which feels really laggy but when I launch my game in dx 9 it is completely fine, so I just want to ask you if there are any fixes for this problem..?

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  • Comrade

    DX10 is really bad and there's no reason to use it (see below). If you still want to use DX10, you can try to press Alt + Enter few times because there are 3 modes in DX10 mode: 1) Window mode - system refresh rate is used, so if you have 144 Hz monitor, it should use 144 Hz 2) Fullscreen mode - the lowest available refresh rate is used always (usually 50 or 60 Hz), and there's no easy way how to change it 3) Borderless window mode - visually it looks like fullscreen mode but it uses system refresh rate settings just like window mode, so this is the thing you want probably As i said above, there's no reason to use DX10 because it doesn't make anything better, but in Crysis we have "DX10 servers" and also Very High settings are available only in DX10 mode, right? Well, that's not so true, because these are just stupid restrictions. The latest "game.exe" already allows Very High settings in DX9 and there's no visual or performance difference. DX9 is actually slightly faster. It's even possible to allow games running in DX9 to connect to servers with DX10 features enabled. Again, it works just like with DX10 game - no difference in graphics or physics. However, this is more complex patch than allowing Very High settings in DX9, so it's still being tested, but it works without any problems so it will probably be available in next version of CryMP client. Question is why Crytek wasted time with adding DX10 support and those stupid restrictions to Crysis. Maybe Microsoft gave them some money to do so because Windows Vista required some "killer features" to convince players to use that weird operating system. It also seems like we have the same situation today with DX12 and Windows 10. :D

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  • Lukas

    I usually run dx9 but today I wanted to connect to 7OXiCITY ::: MESA server and it was dx10 server, so I switch to dx10 and I was just surprised why it was so shit. I tried alt + enter already before posting this thread and the 3. option you mentioned did use hz I wanted but the mouse movement felt like delayed, like I would use vsync or "hladká myš" (víš co myslím, je to v nastavení). Also a long time ago when I had my old pc, I know I used some Crysis Unlocker for dx10 and very high settings on dx9, there was also option to buy APC, because it was apparently locked for some reason (I think it was only for pre-orders) and start dedicated server for people with no cd key.

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  • Lukas

    I looked for the unlocker I mentioned before and it actually work, I started my game with it in dx9 and I could connect to dx10 server.

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  • Comrade

    Nice. I hope that all these stupid restrictions will be automatically disabled by multiplayer client in future, so any suspicious tools won't be needed anymore. :)

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  • Forsaken

    It would be nice to have an even playing field. I have seen quite a few players get owned by people who use.... uh, 'tricks' like this unlocker, and quit because they can't do anything close (movement or otherwise) to what they see people doing, so they assume hacks and leave. And that's the ones who are ambitious enough to google for 'crysis multiplayer' Crysis is still selling copies via multiple digital retailers, and its a good number from what I have seen. No one wants to unravel 10 years of forum archives etc. to find 'tricks' for crysis, people are lazy.... so don't play too hard with the newbies ;)

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  • Lukas

    I have no problem with giving away this unlocker if there is any interest, I wanted to post it right away but it is from a site with other shit (hacks). But like you said people are lazy, so they will rather call me cheater and play on lower hz than they could and get owned. To the even playing field, it's pretty hard imo in Crysis because optimization is bad, so players with not very good pcs has big handicap. Also some players rather use high settings and get better graphics with lower fps and if they encounter players who play with low settings and high fps they will got owned as well. So I don't know what to do about that.

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  • Forsaken

    I have had this in my collection for quite some time, but I would rather play on an even level with other players... Does no one understand that? If you beat someone on an even field... its much better! Thanks for starting this topic though, you put me on the right path for something I'm working on :)

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  • Lukas

    I understand what you mean but it is hard to accomplish in this game. On the other hand in CSGO I would say it is even ground, not very demanding game and if you have decent mouse, than it's only about skill and nothing else.

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  • Lycor

    "But like you said people are lazy, so they will rather call me cheater and play on lower hz than they could and get owned." Players do not have 1 reason to call you cheater.

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