Design - your suggestions

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  • Comrade

    FAQ section is really highly deprecated. For example: - Console server list is not the main one anymore - Crytek removed Crysis patches from their website (5767 is probably quite rare these days anyway) - Running Crysis as admin is no longer required - OpenSpy is not used anymore, so server list doesn't contain any weird GerCry servers that kick all players - AMD FX issue is finally fixed once for all Also, that section about running own server should contain big red warning that public IP address is required, otherwise nobody will be able to connect to the server. I think that internet providers who give own IP address to each new customer for free don't exist anymore.

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  • Zi;

    @Comrade: Yeah, FAQ section needs to be completly rewritten and made simpler :D I tried to remove obsolete stuff today, but apparently not everything. @TunSalat: I fixed those subcategory & thread links :D Apparently nobody ever clicked subcategory either, because nobody probably knew it existed. Btw xDDD try adding &theme=purple (or ?theme=purple) to URL of webpage

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  • Zi;

    You know what, maybe I could remove whole FAQ section, I think nowadays everybody can watch that video tutorial or stuff

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  • TunSalat

    But it's good with info and guiding. Also for seo. Maybe it could be at the front page though, with a shorter precise description and short guide

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  • Zi;

    It will be removed, just looked analytics, it got only 1,09% of views over 2 years, so it wasn't really important.

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  • TunSalat

    Ok, but keep copy of old text :)

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  • Zi;

    Also navigation got a little revamp, so most important things that users visited over last 4 years are left-most and things related to being logged in are on the right side.

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  • Zi;

    Just for fun purposes, I added theme selector into footer - only PC though (Nostalgia is how original website looked 5 years ago, so just for veterans :D)

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  • TunSalat

    There are a few bugs with links here now. Here is a pretty solid php link code I have worked on and is using myself. function makelink($str) { $str = preg_replace_callback('/((((http)(s)?:\/\/)|www)[-0-9a-zA-Z?-??-?\(\)%_+\.~#?&;:@\/\/=]+)(?<!\.)/i', function($matches) { if (substr($matches[0], 0 , 4) == 'www.') { $matches[0] = 'http://' . $matches[0]; } return '<a href="'.$matches[0].'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="post-link">'.$matches[0].'</a>'; }, $str); return trim($str); }

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  • Zi;

    What bugs? I think links work pretty solid right now

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