Client crash

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  • Zi;

    No prob, at least nobody is gonna blame me now, that I'm vendorlocking people to CryMP by not providing validate elsewhere :D

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  • Koenigsegg

    @ zi, Server is no show on website.

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  • Zi;

    That's because you are running that server on OpenSpy and OpenSpy doesn't report it's serverlist to CryMP, unlike GameSpy emulator.

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  • Koenigsegg

    @ zi, Test server is on and does not show up on website. Before it showed on server list - no problems. Public server on openspy - is there for testing only. Once all issues are resolved, I will relaunch on CryMP.

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  • Zi;

    Ahhhh, well, if server is inaccessible from outside internet (doesn't have public IP or port forwarding), it won't appear on the webpage. But it will still appear in ingame server list though! It's like that to remove inaccessible servers from website, but also as a check for server owners whether their server is accessible, so they don't need to ask second person to try connect their server. Basically to save time of server owners and spare them from waiting for their friends to try to join to find out if it works :D Otherwise, it might take around 2 minutes for server to appear in the website list (CryMP checks accessibility once every minute).

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  • Koenigsegg

    @ zi, Over 20 minutes since server launch and no show on website. The test server is accessible and port forwarded or else I would not be able to connect. I connect to it with no problems its just not showing up on website where as before the changes it showed.

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  • Zi;

    You are able to connect, because your server and your computer (game) are in same home network. My point is, that other players would probably not be able to connect, and that's why it doesn't show on website. You can try to ask someone to try to connect via in-game server list and see if he succeeds. But my guesses are that he won't unless CryMP website is wrong. But if he succeeds, just tell me the port of test server so I can know which one it is :D

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  • Koenigsegg

    @ zi, "You are able to connect, because your server and your computer (game) are in same home network". totally wrong Trust me I know all about access, port forwarding etc thanks though. I also know that OpenSpy doesn't report it's serverlist to CryMP. I use Openspy to check server functionality. When i test all the server I used vpn. If you had tried to connect to the test server you would have had no problems. So problem is not on this end as nothing has changed on my end. I am able to connect to both server via in-game server list. Public server and test server does not show on website as well as console command svlist . Both are not listed on the console display of servers. Validate command seems to work in both server. All was working before the change Test server port is: 50003 Public server port : 64087 Both are pinging or has that changed as well?

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  • Zi;

    Okay and did your test server at least appear in that ingame server list along other CryMP servers? I do not mean console list, but classic server list. Also, does your test server have some extra special name with special characters like emojis that might screw things up? :D

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  • Koenigsegg

    Currently i see 7 servers on the green console server list. I see 9 servers on the Gamespy server list. For some odd reason my server is blocked from appearing on the website and the green console list. There is nothing I can do on my end cause nothing has changed. Both server does appear in the Gamespy server list and this is how i connect to my servers. I do not use extra special name with special characters like emojis on any of them. To minimize the confusion, only the public server is up using exactly the same settings as before.

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