Crysis mp mix 2020


  • TunSalat

    New long video :) Hope you enjoy some of it.

    ❤️ 1
  • heandel

    glory kills compilation not mix :P that would encourage others to join the game ..nice job

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  • TunSalat

    It's a mix of fails, wins, bugs and funny stuff. Sure there are "glory" moments, but also a lot of death and fail moments. So you're wrong. But thanks. Unless you're being sarcastic. Can't tell o.0 btw don't you mean Händel or Haendel? :)

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  • Forthc8ming

    Nice vid, Tuna

    ❤️ 1
  • heandel

    ------------ btw don't you mean Händel or Haendel? :) ----------- as you want but you can pronounce it correctly by tasting a tune salad while listening to sarabande :)

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  • TunSalat

    I can't handel it :)

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