Installer error, and after cannot load mod


  • Avvid

    Hi, i downloaded the installer, and tried running it although it caused an error saying i do not have Bin32, i actually only have a Bin64 in my Crysis folder. After duplicating the folder and naming it 32 bit, i installed and ran it, now it does not show the mod being loaded, and lands me at the GameSpy login.

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  • Comrade

    Hello, it should work if your Bin64 folder contains valid 64-bit files. Just avoid all those weird "crash fix tutorials". Using Warhead files in C1 is really bad idea. Also make sure you run Crysis with "-mod sfwcl" parameter. It seems the installer doesn't support 64-bit only installation. That's a bug probably. @Zi

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  • Avvid

    Should i be running it with Crysis wars or Crysis 1?

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  • Avvid

    Because i do have the command already relayed in the shortcut launcher, it shows as it is loaded in the launch log, although it fails to appear in my modification menu on crysis wars.

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  • Avvid


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  • Comrade

    Crysis 1. For Crysis Wars use or

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