PC Test - FPS Killer map - On weekends.


  • Freebo

    Thanks a lot guys for testing your FPS. It helps in optimizing future maps. If anybody else is interested in testing his PC for FPS killing maps in the future - please join \"Steel Mill Frost\" map on weekends and read the instructions on the sign. Map is prepared to look good even on LOW settings. Latest version has also special \"low pc swich\" so anybody even with very low PC should be able to play with at least 35 FPS with this function on (those who on Very High hav there only 15 FPS). Please check Day and Nigh testing video to find out about features of the map. If you get there at least 30 FPS - it\'s ok to play from time to time. To compare - I can say that today I can get on hard spots of the map around 50-70 FPS only - depending on settings - But it\'s with my 2 years old PC. You can see it all clearly in \"DAY video\". But I\'m sure with PC bought in 2014 or 2015 - even 90 FPS can be possible there. CryEngine 2 is really worth it. You can\'t see the quality of it in Youtube videos unfortunatelly. Anyway - check it out. DAY TESTING (5767) - First video of MP on this map after 2 years - with new features. With \"Icarus Wings\" mod - taken from \"Necropolis\". In 5767 works very smooth. 00:15 - Frankie, 05:40 - Icarus Wings, 11:52 - Zi, 16:35 - Comrade. NIGH TESTING (6156) - New functions tested during the night time - with FPS killing lights. In this version \"Icarus Wings\" as the new way of using CJ - makes CJ Flying possible in 6156 version for the first time. 00:15 - Dark_Angel, 02:20 - Night Vtol, 08:55 - Frankie, 15:15 - Lights on \"Icarus Wings\", 16:23 - Night Train.

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  • Zi;

    Wow, it looks so beautiful on very high settings, especially night-version. :o)

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  • HipHipHurra

    WTF! Great graphics!!! Maps are already online?

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  • Freebo

    Zi - thanks. Night is best there - with lights on of course. The problem is when I turn all the lights on - FPS can drop from 60 to 40 sometimes. Lights in CryEngine2 are not optimised at all - this is why I needed to make swich to turn them off as default. HipHip - Yeah - \"Steel Mill Frost\" is already on-line. I mean this map is already 2 years old (you can check video from December 2012 about Alpha version on my channel) - and was on-line on 5767 for many weeks of 2013 (of course without map downloader not many players were there) - But this - late Beta has meny new features, more lights, vehicles, sounds and natural effects. Is closer to the idea I had in 2012 now. But it\'s still a PC killer - even on Very LOW settings - hard for some PCs to get clear 40 FPS. If you want you can try it always on weekends - saturday evenings - starting from 18:00 - 24:00 CET or sunday 12:00-24:00. Remember to prepare your PC for the test. I will never count on more than 2-3 players a day - because of FPS. But from my personal experiences - flying with \"Icarus Wings\" over this map - when lights are on - if you have at least 60 FPS - is really worth trying. Just the sample of New Crysis 1 that is coming in 2015. CryEngine 2 is more than most of people think. It just needs some tweaks. You will see much more this and the next year.

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