Goodbye everyone


  • tms

    I cannot play this because I bought the game on steam, It was fun, I\'m also too lazy to buy another version of it to do this. It has been fun! Sorry for being such a lagger!!! xD <3

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  • Freebo

    Wait... Have you been trying to patch your Steam version of Crysis with Origin option of installer that we have finally prepared yesterday ?? I\'ve discovered problems with Origin version (because of it\'s \"online nature\") last month - on 2 of 3 of my Crysis PCs - Later I\'ve found easy way to make it work. So finally we have solved this with Zi by adding another installer for Origin users. It\'s on-line since yesterday - still very new - so maybe you haven\'t seen it yet? Please check that one - it\'s in downloads or just here ( ). Make sure if it\'s not working before saying Goodbye :) And let us know. I have 3x DVD version and 3x Origin version of Crysis on 3 different PCs - all ready for testing. But I wasn\'t testing client with Steam version yet - I don\'t have this one. So it\'s the right moment to do tests with it also :) Check it please and let us know. Maybe Origin option for client installer will be good enough. If it won\'t help we will find the solution for Steam also. Don\'t worry about it. Just try and don\'t forget to post the results :)

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  • UNU

    just use the craked version

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  • Freebo

    UNU man. You just couldn\'t give worse advice on this forum (again). I don\'t get why you\'re still doing this (?) BTW the action that you are presenting here - that doesn\'t need any advice at all. Any caveman knew this way. \"Take it if nobody is looking - no matter who worked for it and how easy is to work and get your own one - Just take all for free and consume\" :) Very natural and primitive way. Definitely not right to promote in todays world :) I\'m sure you are aware of fact that not only adult tms is reading it (he has original copy so it\'s quite ok - he can use any files on that) - but also many kids here who has no Crysis yet - and they are learning that it\'s the way all should use - cracked one. If adult is saying to do so - \"why not?\" they think. I hope you are not going to raise your\'s this way. If so this world will be more f..ed up than it is right now. Now we still have a chance to stop it. Spreading advices about cracking soft - is the worst we can do to teach. Anyway Crysis costs 10$ today. C\'mon. What is this? \"All for free\"? I\'m not talking about tms (he alredy bought one) but new players. Is this the only way to respect things today ? I bet if Crysis was for 1$ on Origin - would be also not worth paying because it\'s easy to crack it? And having things for free (like internet is teaching now) is the best way ? This game is so good and unlimited that I\'d pay even 100$ to have original version of it - if I didn\'t have 6 copies for 10$ already :) Just try buy the game no matter where - and try client for Origin users and let us know if it works for Steam. Thanks.

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  • Zi;

    UNU just made my day. :D :D :D

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  • Frankie

    Haha, then here comes the question if Crysis is woth it for you and it isnt you who should say \"goodbye\" ;).

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