So here is !vote map , !vote kick command . AddChatCommand(\"vote\",function(self,player,msg,tpe,tgt,sp) local allowMapVote=true; if not tpe then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid action - !vote kick\"); end if tpe~=\"kick\" then if allowMapVote then if tpe~=\"map\" then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid action - !vote kick or !vote map\"); return; end else Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid action - !vote kick\"); return; end end local gd=SafeWriting.GlobalData; if(gd.__VoteInProgress)then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"[[Prebieha hlasovanie]]\"); return; end if(not tgt)then if tpe==\"kick\" then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid player!\"); else Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid map name!\"); end return; end local validmaps={}; local rules=g_gameRules.class==\"PowerStruggle\" and \"ps\" or \"ia\"; if sp and tpe==\"map\" then rules=tgt; tgt=sp; end rules=rules or (g_gameRules.class==\"PowerStruggle\" and \"ps\" or \"ia\"); if rules==\"ps\" then validmaps={ \"mesa\",\"shore\",\"beach\",\"refinery\",\"plantation\" }; elseif rules==\"ia\" then validmaps={ \"poolday_v2\",\"aimmapv2\",\"dsg_1_aim\", \"steelmill\",\"quarry\",\"outpost\",\"armada\", }; end if tpe==\"kick\" then local pl=GetPlayerByName(tgt); if not pl then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid player!\"); return; end Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Player %s has started a kick vote for player %s, use !yes or !no to vote.\",player:GetName(),pl:GetName()); for i=1,12 do Script.SetTimer(i*5000,function() Msg:SendToAll(\"%s kick vote in progress - vote !yes, !no\",\"center\",pl:GetName()); end); end KICKVOTETGT=pl; MakeSimpleVote(60,nil,nil,function(y,n) local; if not total then total=0; else total=#total; end if (y+n)>=total*0.6 then if y>n then Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Kick vote was successful, %s was kicked\",KICKVOTETGT:GetName()); if KICKVOTETGT then KickPlayer(KICKVOTETGT,\"kick vote\"); end else Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Kick vote failed, voted %.2f %% of players, yes: %d, no: %d\",((y+n)*100)/total,y,n); end else Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Kick vote failed, only %.2f %% of players voted (minimum: 60%%).\",((y+n)*100)/total); end end); else local valid=false; grules=rules==\"ia\" and \"InstantAction\" or \"PowerStruggle\"; tgt=tgt:lower(); for i,v in pairs(validmaps) do if v==tgt then valid=true; break; end end if not valid then Chat:SendToTarget(nil,player,\"Enter valid map name!\"); return; end Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Player %s has started a map vote for map %s.\",player:GetName(),tgt); MAPVOTETGT=tgt; local gs=SafeWriting.GlobalStorage; MakeSimpleVote(60,nil,nil,function(y,n) local; if not total then total=0; else total=#total; end --if total==1 then total=2; end local yp=y/(math.max(1,y+n)); local np=n/(math.max(1,y+n)); local tp=(y+n)/(math.max(1,total)); if (y+n)>=total*0.6 then if y>n then System.ExecuteCommand(\"sv_gamerules \"..grules); Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Map vote was successful, next map: %s\",MAPVOTETGT); --gs.ForceNextMap=true; --gs.NextMap=nextmap; Script.SetTimer(5000,function() System.ExecuteCommand(\"map \"..MAPVOTETGT) end); else Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Map vote failed, yes: %.1f %%, no: %.1f %%, percent of all: %.1f %%\",100*yp,100*np,100*tp); end else Chat:SendToAll(nil,\"Map vote failed, yes: %.1f %%, no: %.1f %%, percent of all: %.1f %% < 60%%\",100*yp,100*np,100*tp); end end); end end,{WORD,WORD,WORD},nil,\"Starts kick voting, usage !vote kick playername or !vote map mapname or !vote map ia/ps mapname\");

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